Published on: December 23rd, 2019
We’re about one week away from the new year.
Which means a lot of people’s lives are about to change forever.
The start of a new year is always something extremely special.
In one week, you have the chance to experience:
- New possibilities
- New opportunities
- A fresh start for your life
This quick article is designed to help people with ADHD set achievable goals in the year 2020 and beyond.

How to think about goal-setting when you have ADHD
One of the hallmark features of having ADHD involves setting goals, and then completely forgetting about those goals soon thereafter.
This isn’t your fault though.
It comes with the territory of having ADHD.
The good news is there’s an easy way for you to set goals for the new year and achieve those goals.
Even when you have ADHD!
Focus on achieving just one vision for your life
The biggest change I’m making in 2020 revolves around focusing on just one central vision or mission for my life.
If you set too many goals, you’re instantly setting yourself up for failure, because everyone on this planet has a limited number of what I like to call attention units.
Human beings are capable of focusing on 1 or 2 things, and doing those things really well.
Once you move beyond 1 or 2 tasks, there’s no room for exceptionalism.
Multitasking leads to mediocrity.
The only way to accomplish anything significant in life is to focus on 1 or 2 major tasks you’d like to achieve.
It’s actually best to just focus on one vision for your life.
But having 2 visions can be acceptable in some cases.
If you have a really difficult time accomplishing goals, I recommend focusing on the single vision that you desire for your life.
Don’t add distractions and clutter into your life when it isn’t necessary
In 2020, I’m spending a lot of time decluttering and simplifying my life.
My life has always been best when I have just a few variables to worry about.
- Publishing high-quality articles about ADHD from a laptop
- Getting good sleep
- Eating a good diet
- Exercising
- Having great relationships with great people
When my life revolves around those 5 factors, my life is generally pretty great.
When I stray too far from those 5 factors, I know I’m adding too much clutter and junk back into my life.
For example, I recently started a highly-complex project and it made my life pretty miserable. I killed off the project because I value simplicity. Not complexity.
I strongly recommend keeping your life as simple as possible in 2020, and focusing on just one overall vision for your life.
Have you set your goals for the new year yet?
Please leave a comment in the comments section below and let me know about the goals you’ve set for the new year!
What are you doing differently this year in comparison to previous years?
How will you accomplish your goals?
Share your thoughts and help other individuals with ADHD in the process.
Thank you!
This year I am writing a memoir and my major focus is on that and my blog. For the memoir I start with creating a mind-map using NovaMind. These programs are wonderful for ADHDers. I am scheduling my day in increments and settling to do one project at a time. I am also a involved in 5 writers groups for 2 hours 4 times a week. This has proven that when I am accountable to a group I can sit for 2 hours and write uninterrupted. These are things I haven’t done previously. My book is a memoir of living with Bipolar 1 and ADHD.
Amazing l just been diagnosed with ADHD my new wife told me who is a doctor.
Although its midway through the year..I recently discovered ADHDBOSS…and I am so grateful for it and thank you for effort. Until now at age 62 this is the first written website, book, article or any thing similar that actually has helped me and to me is logical. My 1 goal for the rest of the year is to clutter my life physically and mentally…I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors…thanks again…sincerely Valerie…you have eased my emotional pain with this site and I am eternally grateful…
Ooops meant Declutter…
I’ve just seen this add thank you, I have adhd and I’m medicated to, I still struggle with focus on a daily basis, plus my sleeping habits go up and down, definitely need to change my diet and eat more healthy, I do find that protein shakes are good for me, I find it hard to stick to routines, waking up at the same time and going to bed at the same time, I find I do go up and down on that to, adhd does affect my day to day habits, I’m still learning about my adhd brain, I’ll take a look at what you suggest thank you for the help
Thank you for your contribution Lee, you have a strong community to support you!
I read the introduction to your text and I thought « Hahaha, life was indeed about to change! »
For 2021, I decided to take on challenges instead of goals. My first challenge was to write in my journal every day and so far, I have succeeded. I chose that challenge because, like many of us, I live in the moment. As a result, I have a lot of difficulty remembering my past.
I want to know my past even if I forget as I go along.
Thanks Caroline, and great job!