Published on: November 29th, 2019
In today’s article, you will learn how to create just about any future lifestyle you desire.
Even with ADHD.
This article revolves around helping you discover and pursue the raw, unfiltered, best version of your life imaginable.
This is where it all begins…

Most people are vision-less, and this is a big problem
The vast majority of people on Earth don’t spend any amount of time envisioning what the absolute best version of their life can look like.
What’s interesting is your odds of being born in a human body are estimated to be 1 in 400 trillion.
1 in 400 trillion odds are considered astronomical or seemingly “impossible.”
For reference, the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot (national lottery) in the USA are around 1 in 300 million.

You’re over 1 million times more likely to win the Powerball than be born a human.
The fact that you’re alive right now on this planet is the definition of a miracle.
You’ve already beaten the lottery 1 million times over.
You’re a human being on planet Earth.
Your existence in this present moment is a miracle and serves as proof of your ability to overcome seemingly impossible odds.
This is why you’re allowed to create an unfiltered vision for your life exactly as you imagine, and pursue your life’s vision without anyone else’s opinions or input.
You’ve beaten the odds before, and you can do it again.
So let’s get right to the #1 question your entire life must revolve around:
What does your perfect life look like?

I want you to spend 5 minutes imagining your perfect life.
Then, take a few more minutes to write down the key details surrounding this perfect life that you envision.
- Where do you live?
- What does your home look like?
- Do you live by the ocean, mountains, in the city or countryside?
- Who do you live with?
- Do you feel excited when you wake up in the morning?
What you can learn from Jeff Bezos about developing a clear vision for your life

Hate the man or love him, Jeff Bezos, founder of, is now considered one of the wealthiest men on planet Earth.
And here’s what you need to know about Bezos…
Bezos spends two hours laying in bed each morning imagining what it would be like to have the absolute best business and life.
Stop and think about this for just a moment.
One of the richest men in the world spends 2 hours imagining and visualizing the best possible version of his life every morning.
I realize Bezos is hated by many people.
I also realize that people immediately assume laying in bed imagining and visualizing for 2 hours sounds absolutely ridiculous.
But just stick with me for a few minutes.
There’s enormous value in this lesson.
Jeff Bezos currently earns around $9 million per hour.
So Bezos is attributing $18 million worth of value to the process of imagination and visualization.
You could say that Bezos “spends” $18 million on imagining his perfect life every single morning.
Why would one of the wealthiest people in the world spend two hours laying in bed imagining the best possible version of their life?
Maybe there’s an important lesson to takeaway here…
If we simply set aside all pre-conceived judgments, it’s clear Bezos is onto something.
In fact, many of the world’s top professional athletes, CEOs, musicians, world leaders and superstars all practice imagination and visualization as if it were a mental muscle.
There’s clearly some aspect of our reality here on planet Earth that gives a tremendous advantage to people who practice imagination and visualization on a regular basis.
It’s difficult to tell why this is.
Some people say that our entire existence is like a holographic simulated “video game” and imagining and visualizing the outcomes that you want to achieve is like unlocking a “cheat code.”

Others say the process of imagining and visualizing keeps your Reticular Activating System (RAS) focused on the outcomes you want to achieve in life, which would also provide you with a tremendous advantage.
Your RAS is responsible for filtering out all of the junk information and background noise in your life, and keeping important data at the forefront of your mind.

Ultimately, what’s most important is that you have a clear target to aim for in life.
And this is why imagining and visualizing the best version of your life is absolutely vital to your long-term success with ADHD.
You need to have something exciting to look forward to every time you wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night.
Your life’s vision should be the single most important factor in you life.
All of the decisions that you make, and everything that you do, will guide towards your life’s vision.
In a separate article on ADHD Boss, you’ll learn how to create your own Attention & Energy Grid which almost guarantees that you stay hyperfocused on achieving your life’s vision over the long-term.
But we’ll just take this one step at a time.
For now, you can spend a few minutes fantasizing about the unfiltered version of your life that you’ve always wanted.
It’s important that you don’t allow this process to become “corrupted” by outside influences.
Your life’s vision is YOUR LIFE’S VISION and NO ONE ELSE’S.
You’re the person who’s actually going to be living your life’s vision. So it’s extremely important that your life’s vision is something you truly want.
Hold nothing back. Lay it all out. Make it extravagant or minimal. Exactly as you like.
My life’s vision is to help millions of people with ADHD live the best life imaginable…what’s yours?
Now it’s your turn.
Follow the action steps below to create your life’s vision right away.
Action Steps:
- Spend 5 minutes imagining and visualizing the absolute best version of your life imaginable
- Write down the key details surrounding the best version of your life
- Summarize your life’s vision in one or two sentences, and write this down
Important: Here’s something else to think about as you create your life’s vision…
People have asked me “is your life’s vision really to help millions of people with ADHD live the best life imaginable? Isn’t this a little bit unrealistic What’s your real life vision? This can’t be authentic…”
And here’s my response:
The point is to create a vision for your life that leads you to the outcomes you want to achieve in life.
It’s possible for your life’s vision to create multiple positive outcomes which lead to a massive win-win scenario for everyone involved.
For example, if I focus on helping millions of people with ADHD live the best life imaginable, I’m going to help many people with ADHD. But I’ll also get to live the kind of lifestyle that I want at the same exact time, because I charge money for the value I create.
This leads to an entirely win-win scenario for everyone involved. People receive massive value. I receive massive value. Everyone benefits.
If my life’s vision were to buy a beachfront condo in the Bahamas, this life vision might work for some people. But in my mind, this wouldn’t lead to any win-win scenarios. I would have trouble feeling motivated by a life vision that’s entirely selfish.
It usually helps if you create a life vision that has the potential to create as many win-win scenarios as possible.
I built ADHD Boss upon a foundation of helping others. This means I can use the ADHD Boss platform to potentially reach millions of people with ADHD, achieve my life’s vision and enjoy an incredibly high quality of life all at the same time.
I strongly believe you should consider adopting this way of thinking while creating your life’s vision too.
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