Last updated: July 22, 2021
While I’ve already published an article that covers the side effects that Vyvanse may cause, this article reveals how to reduce Vyvanse’s side effects, and live a life that’s free from stress and worry in 2020.
This article covers the following important topics:
- How to reduce Vyvanse side effects using little-known supplements that actually work
- How to use exercise to negate the end-of-day crash that Vyvanse gives some people
- How to use a simple ‘mental trick’ to eliminate a lot of stress and worry from your life
- How to sleep with peace of mind
- How to use breathing exercises to instantly kill feelings of anxiety
Alright, let’s get started:

How to reduce Vyvanse side effects using high-quality supplements and products
This is where I’ll list the supplements that I consistently use to improve Vyvanse’s side effects.
I’m going to give you the name of each supplement or product that I personally take, and also explain the reason why you’ll want to take it too.
Thorne Research Magnesium Citramate
Some people report that they feel like their heart beats a little bit fast after taking Vyvanse. First of all, if you believe this is a problem for you, then you should see a medical professional as soon as possible.
However, for people who merely worry about the possibility of having heart palpitations after taking Vyvanse, I recommend two things:
First, you should limit your dose of Vyvanse to the minimum amount that still gives you positive results.
Second, you should take 2 capsules of Thorne Research Magnesium Citramate (Amazon) nightly.
Magnesium citramate is a compound that’s amazing for your cardiovascular system. It’s affordable, highly-effective, and great at regulating your heart rate. Not to mention, taking magnesium citramate will also reduce your anxiety, make you feel less sore after working out, and give you more mental clarity.
Spry Dental Chewing Gum
Many people who take Vyvanse also claim to experience dry mouth and/or bruxism (teeth grinding).
Chewing gum is a super simple solution that will help you limit this side effect.
I chew Spry gum (Amazon) because it uses xylitol instead of sugar, so it’s a lot better for your health. It makes your breath smell minty fresh too.
Rainbow Light Vitamin B Complex
Don’t take this the wrong way. But, most people with ADHD have some wacky brain chemistry going on. No worries – I’m included in this ‘fun’ segment of the population too.
I find that along with regular exercise, taking a food-grade vitamin B complex supplement from Rainbow Light (Amazon) is one of the best ways to regulate your mood, thoughts and emotions.
Note: If you currently take Vyvanse, make sure to take your vitamin B supplement in the evening, or at a time when it won’t interfere with your medication. I like to take my vitamin B supplement around 5 p.m. or so – right around the time when the work day is ending.
Carlson Labs Liquid Fish Oil
Taking fish oil will improve your cardiovascular system (heart), brain function (ADHD), and your mood. It will also provide you with plenty of other benefits that I’ve written about in a separate article covering the importance of taking fish oil for ADHD.
The key thing to keep in mind is that everyone with ADHD should take a high-quality fish oil supplement on a regular schedule. It’s that important of a supplement to use.
I like Carlson Labs Liquid Fish Oil (Amazon) because it’s high-quality, tastes good, and doesn’t require me to gag on yet another pill.
Jarrow Milk Thistle
Taking milk thistle can help you detoxify your liver, which will have a profound effect on your entire body (even if you can’t ‘feel’ it working).
It’s a good idea to take a capsule of milk thistle once per day, since there’s evidence that suggests the health of your liver can even impact how well your brain functions.
I recommend taking Jarrow Milk Thistle (Amazon), as this is a trusted, reputable product that I continue to use to this day.
Rainbow Light Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is one of the first supplements that my doctor told me to take, after a blood panel showed that I wasn’t getting nearly enough sunlight.
After supplementing with vitamin D, I could almost immediately tell that my mood was better, and I was thinking a lot more clearly too. Eventually, I started to refer to vitamin D as the best natural supplement for ADHD (because it’s that good).
Now, I switch between using Rainbow Light Sunny Gummies (Amazon) and Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 (Amazon).
But, as long as you’re taking a high-quality form of vitamin D, and getting your blood panels done regularly, you should be in great shape.
Melatonin (optional)
I typically recommend taking magnesium instead of melatonin when it comes to getting great sleep with ADHD.
However, I do recognize the awesome benefits of using melatonin on occasion (like when you find it really difficult to sleep).
Melatonin isn’t supposed to work as a sleep aid. So, that’s why it’s perfect for occasional use. You shouldn’t have any problem with taking melatonin once or twice a week if it truly helps you sleep.
When it comes to sleep, I’m a firm believer that doing whatever it takes to get to sleep is a better option than not getting any sleep at all. There’s nothing worse than feeling like a total zombie for a day. Plus, getting high-quality sleep plays a large role in reducing the side effects of Vyvanse.
It’s for this reason that I’m a fan of using Source Naturals Melatonin (Amazon) on an as-needed basis.
How to kill your end-of-day Vyvanse crash with exercise
One of the biggest complaints about Vyvanse is the end-of-day crash that many people experience.
The tired feeling that you may get after taking Vyvanse is usually felt at around 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. – when the day is just beginning to wind down, and you aren’t feeling so hot anymore.
Some doctors actually prescribe a booster dose of separate ADHD medication to deal with this, which is definitely a viable option.
But, I choose to take a more holistic approach to dealing with the Vyvanse comedown. I recommend good old fashioned exercise as soon as you get off of work.
Hitting the gym and doing some strength training and cardio exercise will help to circulate your blood, release endorphins in the brain, and make you feel a lot better.
The 1 mental trick that can eliminate stress and worry about taking Vyvanse
People with ADHD tend to use Vyvanse because it’s one of the most effective ADHD solutions available.
While it’s normal to experience some amount of worry about using any prescription medication, I think that if you’re going to use Vyvanse, then worrying is only going to exacerbate any potential issues you may be facing.
My point is that worrying won’t do anything for you, except add unnecessary stress and uncertainty to your life.
After I read the book How to Stop Worrying And Start Living by Dale Carnegie (Amazon), I felt a lot better about Vyvanse and life in general.
It’s absolutely possible that the act of worrying can even create problems in your life. Read the book, and you’ll find out just how important it is for your mental well-being to stop worrying and start living today.
How to sleep well after taking Vyvanse almost every night
Everyone occasionally has those nights where it feels impossible to sleep. This is absolutely normal, and tough for anyone to avoid.
But luckily, I’ve generally had a very good experience with ADHD and sleep – especially when I take Vyvanse.
I think that Vyvanse helps me straighten out so many of the small details in my life (work, relationships, hobbies) that it allows me to rest easier knowing that things are in order.
To sleep well after using Vyvanse, try your best to accomplish these activities (or a personal variation of them) before going to bed:
- Eat a healthy ADHD diet
- Tire yourself out using exercise (I like to do bodyweight squats and pushups a few hours before sleeping)
- Take your daily supplements (remember to take magnesium citramate at night)
- Spend some time outside in the sunlight
- Do the best that you can to take care of your work, hobbies and interests for the day, and go to sleep knowing that you gave the day everything that you had (leave nothing behind)
- Visualize where you want to be in life and write out your affirmation 15 times
- Read a self-help book or even fiction
As long as you’re doing your best to make positive improvements in your life, you should be able to rest a lot easier knowing that you’re moving closer towards your goals.
How to use breathing exercises to instantly kill feelings of ADHD-induced anxiety
Anxiety and ADHD are somewhat related disorders, so it’s normal for people with ADHD to experience anxiety-related thoughts and feelings.
One of the absolute greatest practices that I’ve recently taken up is deep breathing, which greatly helps to combat feelings of anxiety.
I’m specifically referring to the ‘Wim Hof style’ of deep breathing. Wim Hof is an expert on the relationship between breathing and the human mind. Best of all, he can back up everything that he claims, because he holds several unbelievable world records.
Taking deep breaths in through your nose, and then exhaling through your mouth, is almost as beneficial as meditating or even going on vacation. Deep breathing will calm your mind, stabilize your heart rate, and help to reduce your Vyvanse side effects. It’s that powerful.
I highly recommend reading as much into Wim Hof style breathing if you can. It will have a profound impact on your life. And yes, Wim Hof style breathing can even help you reduce your Vyvanse side effects.
I genuinely hope that this article helps you stop worrying so much about Vyvanse side effects, and start enjoying the benefits of taking the medication.
The point of using Vyvanse is to live a life that’s free from the downsides of ADHD.
While the medication may not be perfect, I think that it’s one of the best options that ADHD sufferers have to live an exceptional lifestyle.
Because, if you decide to treat your ADHD symptoms with Vyvanse, and then learn how to reduce your Vyvanse side effects effectively, you most likely won’t even have time to think about the downsides of using this medication.
I have been on vyvanse nearly six years now. Its been a god send for me. I started fresh out of rehab 6 years ago. Starting at very literally zero everything, money, real friends, job………. Now i have a family of 6 including myself, for the first time own a home, i have a stable job( many different options there, now). Messed around and developed a good name.
Six years ago when I started taking vyvanse and feeling it out for prescription strength my doctor topped me out at two 70mg capsules plus 3 10mg dextrostat instants everyday. I am lucky to have a good doc. who knows me well enough to know too much is never enough for me. Essentially let me write my own scrip to let me find out for myself that it gets counterproductive pretty quick. If the wheels never stop spinning and hook the ground you go no where fast! Point is, in my life this is the biggest case of less is more. So now i take one 70 mg capsule a day and no “filler”,(dexstrostat instant ,vyvanses short lived temperamental cousin). Its been 3 years now on just the one vyvanse. By the way seven ten mg instant dex’s fails in comparison to one vyvanse 70 , even spread out evenly throughout day. Health obviously is a concern as well, when your talking about this much that is. Last i knew the max manufacturers recommendations for vyvance was 70, there fore insurance very likely will not pay for it above that mark. Last i knew its 3-400$ for 30 day supply .
Now for supplements, have coincidentally discovered every one of those supplements (above) along the way. Small variations like brand…… But otherwize hit the nail square on the head. One thing i have discovered about milk thistle thats differant. There is a product by a company called sundown and they offer milkthistle with vellarian and licorice root. I can litterally feel its effects no question. Apparently this helps liver with obsorbtion .
I hope someone out there can put this info to good use, have a great day. Always remain positive!
Thank you for the awesome comment Ben.
It’s always nice to hear REAL success stories in the ADHD space.
That’s exactly what this website is for.
People with ADHD deal with far too many problems and hardships in life.
So, it’s always refreshing to hear about times when people with ADHD manage to pull their life together, and simply CRUSH the game of life.
And that’s great to hear that Vyvanse has worked so well for you. I agree that less is more.
As for the supplements – I’m willing to vouch for Sundown Naturals as well. They’re a quality company with some solid supplements.
There’s a lot of new research happening right now involving the connection between liver health and psychological well-being. It’s always a good idea to keep your liver clean!
Thanks again for the comment!
I’m doing well on Vyvance so far, my doctor did recently up my dosage which I will be starting soon. I do notice hot flashes and excessive sweating! Any advice for that? Otherwise I’ve improved so much!
Cut out all caffeine usage…no coffee in the morning
While caffeine and vyvanse at the same time make me a little spazzy, ive found a way to use them on the same day and improve the effects of both. For years I’ve tried lots of things for improved…”gut motility” (fibers, types of diets, supplements). But I find a morning coffee is the best daily whoosh I get, sorry for the TMI. So I wake up and drink a small coffee, whoosh, and workout (which seems to burn off the caffeine) then 2 hr later (around 8, after the workout) take my vyvanse. This routine suits me amazingly as someone who hates to face the world every day, but whose body wakes up before sunrise. Coffee makes me instantly happy, the workout makes me feel accomplished, and vyvanse carries me through the rest of the days tasks.
This is an awesome morning routine Em!
Thanks for an extremely helpful article. I took Vyvanse 35mg for BED (Binge Eating Disorder) and was so happy with the comfortable results. I became calmer, more relaxed, much more clear-headed, organized, and had no desire for the constant eating at all. I handled life well and felt positive. Due to serious medication induced lung toxicity from other prescription drugs, I had to detox from all medications–Vyvanse included. I now eat a totally organic diet and take all the high-end supplements you mentioned plus a few more. But the BED is back in full force–it is constant and miserable. I ‘m back fighting to make it through every day–exhausting. I see my doctor in three days and have been seriously reconsidering going back on Vyvanse. The fear was the side effects to my heart rate and BP. After reading your article, though, I ‘m going to try it again, hoping that these supplements and my new water therapy class 3x week will help relieve those. I’ll also try taking the MC at night to help with the sleep. Thanks so much for writing! You really have helped. 🙂
Hi Beverly. I’m so happy to hear that this website has helped you.
But, it’s unfortunate that your BED is back in full force. I know that’s a really painful problem to deal with.
In my experience, Vyvanse helped me achieve the results that I wanted. So, with a healthy lifestyle, and your doctor’s supervision, you SHOULD be able to live a safe and happy life.
Water therapy sounds awesome! I would love taking a class like that haha.
Yes, magnesium citrate is a HUGE help for keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.
I wish you the best of luck going forward Beverly. Thanks again for reading.
whoah…. 38 yr old freelance writer (and sometimes 9-5 creative/digital marketer) over here who has always sensed a nagging feeling of never being fulfilled and never knew why, until a few weeks ago. I’d like to think i was on a life long soulsearching quest … and I can’t imagine that a diagnosis would ever change such an integral part of me but it’s been a huge revelation. Like a missing puzzle piece sliding into my psyche. I’m on my third day of Vyvanse and realizing I’ve been self medicating with a lot of the routines and supplements you recommend already. Life is funny like that huh? One question, how to find motivation to get back to a heavy cardio/HIIT routine after work and potential crashes?
Glad I found the blog. You’re doing some good work!
Thanks a lot for the comment Jesse. Glad to hear that you’re putting the puzzle pieces together!
Yup, I came to the same exact realization as soon as I was diagnosed. Life starts making a lot more sense.
I find that heavy cardio/HIIT is so helpful for the ADHD brain, to where I personally hate skipping workouts.
If you can force yourself to get that initial dopamine rush from one or two workouts, then your brain will start to crave that feeling, and you’ll be more motivated to exercise after work/potential crashes.
Basically, just force yourself to exercise once or twice, and your brain will LOVE the dopamine that comes with the habit.
Thanks for the great information. My doctor prescribed vyvanse for me 6 months ago. I am 40 years old and have never been medicated for ADHD. Both of my sisters have been medicated from a young age. I was having memory issues and spoke to my doctor about it. He explained that he knew that I had ADHD, like my sisters (we all have the same doctor) but he waited until I started complaining of symptoms before making any suggestions about treatment. It has been a huge relief. I had no idea how bad it was and, how much compensating I’ve always done. I just thought that the struggling that I was doing every day was normal for everyone. Now that I am on Vyvanse, I feel like for the first time in my life, I can relax and breathe and just be quiet. I can focus and actually read a document at work and process what I’m reading. My regret is that I wonder what I have missed out on in life. I wish that I would have been treated sooner. I have overcome all side effects except that I have very cold hands and feet off and on throughout the day. Especially at night. I’m also starting to experience numbness in some toes on a regular basis. I’m worried about circulatory problems. Has anyone else experienced these side effects?
This is an awesome comment, and it’s great to hear that you feel like your ADHD medication is working well for you.
You should definitely bring up your concerns about the numbness in your toes to your doctor. You’re right that there could be some circulatory issues there.
Either way, I wish you the best of luck. Great job taking control of your ADHD.
Hey! Do you know of any interactions between Milk Thistle and Vyvanse? I couldn’t seem to find much information on it.
Hey Madison thank you for commenting.
I told my doctor that I was taking milk thistle when he prescribed me Vyvanse.
So, based on my personal experience, I haven’t experienced any interactions between Vyvanse and milk thistle.
But, please ask your doctor about this just to be safe. Only your healthcare provider can give you medical advice.
Thank you Madison.
This is the most thorough and easy to follow article on supplements to take with Vyvanse that I have come across. I was recently diagnosed at with ADHD at age 37, and after two months of treatment, I have seen such tremendous changes in my life!
I am a kitchen designer and have always been a creative person, but always seemed to be distracted, but in the last two months I have double my amount of clients and tripled my sales!
Seeing such a change with one medication, I began a regimen of supplements, blindly choosing ones I thought would benefit me. Come to find out they are very closely in line with what you have mentioned in your article! I am looking forward to making a few small changes to reach optimal health! Thanks for sharing what has worked for you!
That’s really awesome to hear that you’ve gone through some tremendous changes in your life after treatment Jennifer. Congratulations on that.
I achieved some similar amazing results after I started using Vyvanse. It’s a very good feeling.
You’re very welcome Jennifer. I wish you the best of luck with your health, life and business.
I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD at 41 and was prescribed Vyvanse and let me tell you, I am amazed how life changing it has been! I didn’t realize that all my struggles weren’t just because I was getting old haha. Anyway, I have been dealing with one huge side effect and that’s with muscle tension in my neck that eventually leads to a headache. After doing some research, most people who also have this side effect recommend taking Magnesium chelate. Google eventually lead me here and I see how you also recommend taking Magnesium but citrate. What is the difference, do you know? I am definitely glad I read this article because occasional sleep disruption is also an issue so I definitely will take your suggestion of melatonin. Great idea! Thank you for this very informative article!
Awesome to hear that Vyvanse is working well for you Maria. It can be a game-changer for sure 🙂 Magnesium is amazing, give it a try. I recommend magnesium citramate or magnesium citrate.
Wow!! Thank you so much for posting this!! It answered all of the questions that have been racing around in my head in one place! I appreciate the time and thought that went in to this post and the help it shares! I’ve noticed when I take my vitamine b’s in the mirning it negates all positive affects of the medication. I thought this was just a coincidence and went to look up the interaction and found your post. Thank you!
Thank you so much Emily. Glad it helped.
Your article is clear, and effective. I thank you for taking the time and thoughtful effort to wtite what and how you did.
the V has helped me feel better by bringing all my thoughts into focus, helps me stay on task and by accomplishing what I have to do, my self-esteem has become enriched and much more positive. I feel great when I accomplish my tasks and tackle my work load. I struggled so much before taking the V. The struggle is real and with all the self-talk, stickers, journals, wall calendars, I still found it difficult and exhausting to keep myself on track. As much as I knew it was irrational to berate myself, I had feelings of failure, lost potential and this became a cycle of struggle, exhausting victory and then failures due to distracting thoughts and behaviors. I take a very low dose of V and it gives me the scaffolding I need to stay focused and effectively sort through distractions.
The only thing I have are headaches in the morning. Any insight to this? Thank you.
Amazing comment Mrs. CK.
Have you tried drinking more water to help with the headaches? It’s really important to make sure you’re well hydrated while taking Vyvanse.
I appreciate you!
Do you take the milk thistle as recommended on the bottle or is there a certain time of day that you would recommend?
Hi Tanya. I usually take milk thistle whenever I remember to take it (usually before bed). I’ve never noticed any kind of “feeling” from milk thistle, so it makes absolutely no difference what time I take it.
Thank you so much for the information! It really makes me more calm about the medication. I have had a history of teacher complaints since I was a about 7 years old, always telling my parents I was smart but would always talk in class and have a hard time concentrating in school overall. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed atomoxetin which gave me not so pleasant secondary effects so I stopped taking it and going to the doctor.
Now I am 28 y/o and developed anxiety which is no longer so bearable, so yesterday I went to the psychiatrist which again confirmed my ADHD diagnose and gave me Vyvanse, I am impressed with the benefits it has given me in these last hours. Almost shed tears of joy honestly.
Anyway, I have a question, I recently went on a plant-based diet and I am wondering if I would need some of those supplements you mention in this article, or the plant-based diet will cover most of that?
I try to eat as healthy as I can and a variety of whole foods. Thanks in advance!
Awesome story Jesus. Thank you for sharing. Super glad to hear Vyvanse is working well for you.
As for the plant-based diet, I’m honestly not sure. That isn’t entirely my area of expertise. I think it would be best to ask a Naturopathic doctor or other health specialist if your plant-based diet is covering all of your nutritional needs. If so, then you should be fine. If not, then you would probably benefit from at least a multivitamin and maybe some zinc or something along those lines.
Oh my god. I literally just googled “Vyvanse anxiety” and I couldn’t imagine to find the exact thing I needed.
I’ve been taking Vyvanse for three months now and I was thorn because it helped me improve my productivity in a drastic way, like, A DRASTIC WAY. But it also increased my GAD (general anxiety disorder). I can feel it coming back and we don’t want that.
I will definately try all of your tips. Thanks a lot for your article!
Thanks so much Carolanne!
So i’ve been on vyvanse since i was 11. being 20 now, i have had no issues with vyvanse but just one thing.
what concerns me is if vyvanse effects my excersize as in a simple jog around the block. i havent been on the active side, and want to push into being more active and healthy. but worry about my heart,
as sometimes (doesn’t happen often) but rarely have moments where my heart rate goes up for about 20seconds.
should i just excersize before taking it? i take 40mg’s. or wait until the end of the day where the dosage is “almost gone” or out of your system
I think exercising before you take Vyvanse OR in the evening time (when Vyvanse has worn off) is a smart choice.
Is left side armpit pain normal on vyvanse.
Not sure Jacqueline. I would definitely bring that up with a doctor.
Hi there,
I am recently diagnosed with ADHD (Inattentive type) at 31y/o. I just started Dexedrine extended release at 10mg (I hear Dex is similar to Vyv) as of 4 days ago.
I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping. The first 2 days I took it, I couldn’t sleep at all. Then I skipped the third day because I felt so out of it (shaky and kind of lost). I took a sleeping pill (not prescribed) on the third day, so that I could finally get some reprieve and I had a full night’s sleep. I took a Dex when I woke up and once again I couldn’t sleep all night.
I know it takes some time for the initial symptoms to wear off, should I continue taking this dose for the 2 week period my doctor prescribed me? I was thinking I would reduce it to 5mg for now.
I regularly take magnesium citrate oxide at night, but that’s not doing much at all. I will start doing the exercise and melatonin (I definitely don’t want to take benzo’s). I’ve been on the low-fodmap combined with the specific carbohydrate diet pretty strictly for the last 2 years, my challenge has always been to eat enough and get all my nutrients.
The medication was great when I was first on it, but since I’ve been so sleep deprived, I feel shaky, irritable, with ruminating thoughts. I would liken it to the experience of a come down from doing very strong MDMA, but worse because now I’m hyperfocusing on negative thoughts.
Is this experience normal? Should I not be taking medication if the side-effects of no sleep are this bad?
Honestly, any advice or sharing of initial experiences would be helpful.
I read that L-Tyrosine helps, but at what dosage/time? I wouldn’t want anything that would keep me awake..
Thanks for the post! I will try your suggestions!!
Definitely not a normal side effect my friend. You should be able to sleep after taking your ADHD medication. Ask your doctor to switch to something like Vyvanse, which most people experience excellent results with!
Hi, what is your daily schedul like as far as taking supplements? I was trying to follow what exactly I should take in the morning/night but I got confused with some. TIA
I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression about a year before my adhd diagnosis. One of the side effects of vyvance is heightened anxiety. Should I speak to my doctor about a higher dosage of my anti depressant? My anxiety is back in full force.
Hi Nicole. It’s totally up to you and your doctor to decide on the medication regimen that works best for you. I’m definitely not qualified to answer that question, so I wish you the very best!
Hi! This is such a great article and very helpful! I have been on Vy. for about a week now. I had the side effects of it spiking my blood pressure which is already high. So she had me switch HBP meds. I was wondering if anyone else is having issues with breathing while on Vyvanse? I really would like to continue cardio but it seems like my doc and I have to find a balance between HBP meds and Vyvanse. I really don’t want to get on Adderall or another stimulant because Vy. works amazingly good for this social worker.
Really happy to hear that Vyvanse is working well for you Flower, but yes, I would definitely hope that you chat about the side effects you’re experiencing with your doctor!
Thank you for the very useful information regarding ADHD meds and supplements.
I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 65. I hope medication and mentoring or counsiling willl help me enjoy life and be more productive in my later years.
I’m currently trialing Ritalin 10-40 mg/day as per psychiatrist’s prescription. Long acting Ritalin is not available through Medicare so it’s the SA one. I’m finding I get painful neck and shoulder tension and may ask to try Vivanase instead after my month trial of Ritalin.
Any experience with neck and shoulder pain with Vivanase or other stimulant meds for ADHD?
Thanks for your comment Jude! Nope I don’t have experience with neck and shoulder pain on Vyvanse. But I really hope you bring up that issue with your doctor and get it checked out ASAP! I wish you the very best.
Hey I have been having trouble sleeping at night on Vyvanese. I have been taking vitamin c pills and drinking apple cider vinegar along with taking magnesium a few hours before bed. Have you tried this combination and do you have a recommendation for something else to add.
That nightly supplement stack sounds great to me Bob. Would recommend exercising at least 3-5 hours before bedtime too.
I’ve been taking Vyvanse since before I can remember and just recently started taking fish pills and women’s one a day. It has made a HUGE difference. I’m wondering how many/if any of the supplements in the article would be a helpful addition? I think some of these could be really helpful but I don’t want to go overboard with supplements. More specifically which supplements would already be covered by women’s one a day?