Last updated: October 1st, 2019
Do you have ADHD? This ADHD test is designed to give you a rough idea of whether you have ADHD or not.
Of course, you’ll need to visit with a healthcare provider in-person if you want to get an official ADHD diagnosis.
But, this quick test consists of 12 questions. It will give you a good general sense of whether you have ADHD or not.
Before we begin, here’s something to keep in mind:
Please answer these questions honestly.
I know it’s tempting to project in your mind what the correct answers should be.
So, try your best to answer these questions truthfully, and you’ll do great.
Here’s the test (you take the test using the form below):
Did I just ace this test?! Or does everyone get an A for participating 🙂
Haha there really are different scores for different people depending on whether you have some ADHD-like symptoms or not. Good job acing the test Ali.
Recently diagnosed at age 37. My life finally makes more sense.
Great to hear Claire!
Hey how do I do this lol I already know I have ADHD but oh well
Did you figure it out Trinity? Let me know if you have any more questions! I hope it’s working for you.
Katie says hiiiii! Just need some guidance 😞
Hi Katie. What’s up!