Last updated: December 23rd, 2019
Most ADHD sufferers understand just how useful Vyvanse can be. I’ve taken Vyvanse for roughly one year, and I would continue to take it if I could. But, life is complicated, and sometimes you need natural alternatives to Vyvanse for when you can’t take your Vyvanse prescription.
In my case, health insurance has gotten too expensive for the time being, and I will have to treat my ADHD symptoms naturally over the next year or so.
If you’re like me, and you can’t access your Vyvanse prescription for one reason or another, then you’ll benefit from reading this article.
I’ve had to manage my ADHD symptoms naturally for most of my life, so I know exactly how to help you…

The 10 Best Natural Alternatives to Vyvanse That Can Actually Help With Your ADHD Symptoms
When you can’t use Vyvanse to treat your ADHD symptoms, you can still leverage a variety of ingredients from Mother Nature to get a grip on your ADHD.
While the following 10 natural Vyvanse alternatives might not be as strong as taking Vyvanse – they’re still extremely smooth, calming and effective at helping you manage your ADHD.
Enjoy the full list:
1. Organic Japanese matcha green tea powder
Organic Japanese matcha green tea powder (Amazon) is one of the most energizing, uplifting and mentally-stimulating natural products that I use.
One cup of matcha green tea delivers roughly ten times the nutritional value and antioxidants of regular green tea.
You can make ordinary matcha tea by mixing this powder with boiling water. Or, you can also brew delicious matcha tea lattes (if you decide to mix with hot milk).
This tea is sourced from a single estate Japanese farm. It’s great quality. And, I can vouch that this superfood will actually help with your focus, mood, and energy levels.
2. Yerba mate
Yerba mate is a type of tea from the South American Rainforest that has been used by local tribes for centuries. It’s commonly referred to as ‘the drink of the gods’ because of the calm, focused and ‘enlightened’ mental state that it puts most people in.
Drinking yerba mate will make you feel razor-sharp for 2 to 4 hours. It’s also a great coffee substitute, because yerba mate contains ~40mg caffeine and a range of vitamins and nutrients.
Yerba mate isn’t overly-stimulating, but still works as a powerful cognitive enhancer for short windows of time.
I find Guyaki Yerba Mate Organic Energy Drinks (Amazon) to be the strongest and most convenient variety of yerba mate. This is great for me since I’m busy and on-the-go for the time of day I want to drink this (late morning and early afternoon).
3. High-quality coffee
While I’m not a huge fan of drinking coffee to replace Vyvanse, I still appreciate the benefits of drinking a hot cup of joe on occasion.
I’ve actually found that the most important aspect of drinking coffee is to drink high-quality coffee, or else you’ll burn out and feel bad after just 45 minutes.
The best way to find high-quality coffee is to go local. Just visit a local health food store that you trust, and buy a brand of coffee that sells out frequently. You’ll be able to tell which coffee is popular by the quantity that’s left in stock. Good coffee sells out fast.
If that doesn’t work, then just order some bricks of Cafe Bustelo Espresso Ground Coffee (Amazon), which is high-quality and budget-friendly Cuban-style espresso coffee.
4. Fish oil
Taking fish oil can help you balance your level of omega-3 fatty acids, which plays a massive role in how well you’re able to think and concentrate throughout the day.
Nordic Naturals Liquid Fish Oil (Amazon) is the best-quality fish oil that I’ve used. It comes in liquid form, so it’s much easier to take than regular fish oil capsules (which normally feel like swallowing horse pills). Carlson Labs’ formula also tastes like lemon, so there’s no fishy taste at all.
And finally, I completely understand why many people say that taking fish oil is expensive. But, the truth is that not taking fish oil is a much more costly decision to make.
Paying for premium fish oil can help you fight ADHD symptoms, reduce inflammation, and even prevent the early onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. Think of high-quality fish oil as an investment in your physical and mental health.
5. Pure beet juice
I don’t actually like the taste of beet juice.
But, I have to admit that drinking beet juice feels like you’re fueling your brain and body with something truly powerful. This is why I will always appreciate beet juice, regardless of how it tastes.
Beets have also been used for their medicinal properties for centuries, so the benefits are absolutely there…
In addition to lowering your blood pressure, fighting premature aging, and boosting your sexual performance, beet juice is also an amazing natural alternative to Vyvanse.
Drinking pure beet juice from the bottle (Amazon) is the easiest way to get an amazing and natural energy kick in a matter of seconds. I drink bottled beet juice often because of how convenient it is.
But, whenever I make a smoothie or juice in my Certified Refurbished Professional Vitamix Blender (Amazon) there are usually beets involved as well.
I try to drink as many beets as possible, however often I can.
6. Healthy food
It’s important that you get as much of your vitamins and nutrients from natural food as possible.
I completely understand that eating healthy food can be expensive. But, there are also plenty of great ways to eat healthy food on a budget.
For example, you can buy dried beans, herbs, spices, organic eggs, wild caught canned tuna, brown rice, spinach, quinoa, and organic chicken thighs for about $35 at your local health food store.
Eating healthy food is definitely a challenge for many people with ADHD. But, you won’t believe the difference that healthy food can have on your cognitive ability.
7. Raw b complex multivitamin
As I mentioned above, it’s best to get most of your vitamins from the food that you eat. But, this can also be a challenge, as it’s often time-consuming and expensive to get all of your necessary vitamins from natural foods.
Luckily, taking a good food-based B complex supplement is an excellent way to cover a significant chunk of your nutritional needs, and ensure that your ADHD brain is working at peak performance.
Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw B Complex (Amazon) is my go-to recommendation for getting all of your necessary B vitamins.
You can actually feel the benefits of taking a Raw B Complex multivitamin supplement. So, you’ll always know that it’s working.
Pro tip: I also recommend using Rainbow Light Men’s One (Amazon) or Rainbow Light Women’s One (Amazon) as well. These general food-based multivitamins are beneficial because they provide you with a wider range of nutritional benefits.
8. Zipfizz Healthy Energy Drink
Zipfizz Healthy Energy Drink (Amazon) basically saved me while I weened myself off of using Vyvanse.
I love that Zipfizz is loaded with antioxidants in addition to caffeine.
So, it feels much healthier than drinking an ordinary energy drink that you’d find in a gas station.
I honestly have to say say that Zipfizz is probably the closest natural alternative to Vyvanse that’s available over the counter.
So, if you’re looking for a stimulating ingredient that still manages to be beneficial for you – then you need to give Zipfizz a try.
9. Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate juice (Amazon) is an antioxidant-rich beverage that’s incredible for ADHD.
According to some studies, regularly drinking pomegranate juice has been shown to improve memory, delay the onset of fatigue, and provide neuroprotective benefits which fight against Alzheimer’s Disease.
It’s becoming clear that there’s a link between regular pomegranate juice consumption and better mental health.
So, it’s never a bad idea to take down some pomegranate juice in the fight against your ADHD symptoms.
10. Magnesium
My life changed dramatically once I started to take 1 capsule of Magnesium (Amazon) every night.
Immediately after beginning my nightly magnesium regimen, I started to experience better sleep, more vivid dreams, and much better mornings as a result.
One thing to note is that it’s important to take a high-quality form of magnesium, because some types of magnesium (like magnesium oxide) don’t absorb well in the body.
I ultimately recommend using Magnesium Citramate because you’ll be able to feel it working the very same night that you take it.
Best Natural Alternatives to Vyvanse Conclusion
I still believe that Vyvanse is an excellent medication.
But, it isn’t always affordable, easy to access or convenient to take (as I’ve found out first-hand).
So, when it comes to fighting ADHD symptoms without the use of pharmaceutical products, these 10 natural alternatives to Vyvanse are the very best options that you have.
On the plus side, when you aren’t taking Vyvanse, you’ll be able to give your adrenal glands a break, and feel a lot healthier as a result.
If you’re really lucky, you might not even need to return to using any medication after finding the natural Vyvanse alternatives that work best for you.
Conner 12yrs.Old, has complained many times over the past years about cold num fingers and toes, legs tingling & hurting, feeling sickly & tired 🙁
I received custody 1-23-17 and learn on the evening of 1-25-17 he has been taking VyVance .:(
I immediately researched VyVance and took him off of the drug .. reashered alternatives to what only certain teachers state he has a ADHD disorder .:(
Conner has been in an abusive situation most of his young life, just went through years of mental and physical abuse from Sybil my exwife, (long story) .. My concern is having info for natural herbs rather than drugs, giving Conner a chance to naturally treat, Naturally grow and mature as a child should .. growing through love, good teaching and exploring good habits that compliments what only certain teachers state he has.:(
After research I purchased folic acid, omega 3 fish oil, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Zinc and green tea .:)
are there any other Natural Herbs that will aid in his grow to maturity .?
Hi Rick,
Sorry to hear about Conner’s situation. But, you’re doing the right thing, by putting him on a positive path forward.
It’s a great idea to give Conner some natural herbs rather than drugs at such a young age.
While the brain is still developing, it’s definitely important to give your child access to quality foods and ingredients.
Folic acid, fish oil, gingko, ginseng, zinc and green tea are all great choices Rick. You’ve done well for yourself.
I would make sure to add a small daily dose of vitamin D into the mix. I personally consider vitamin D to be one of the best supplements for mental function that I’ve ever used (and still use to this day).
If Conner still feels the urge to be “stimulated” (common for people with ADHD) – make sure to enroll him in sports and encourage him to socialize with other kids as soon as possible.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Genetic testing for the MTHFR Gene mutation should be performed before supplementing with Folic Acid. Please research this before continuing.
WHY WOULD ANYONE TAKE A CHILD OFF OF A DRUG WITHOUT CONSULTING A MEDICAL DR FIRST? Some drugs have severe side effects when a patient is taken off quickly. Please don’t think you’re smarter than a dr. and at least do it under a doctor’s supervision and care. Otherwise you could really harm your child.
Hey Deborah,
This is a great point that everyone should be aware of.
You always want to seek professional medical advice before tapering off of prescription medication.
This is the safest route to take.
After years of study & being a parent, it is my belief via experience with doctors for self & my children, the parent knows what is best for their children. ADD & ADHD are from their parents/family dna. If one studies enough, one can replace any medication with natural supplements & always come out better than being medically treated with prescription drugs. The prescription drugs may help 1 thing but, cause 10-20 other problems, always. Thousands of children are misdiagnosed & some actually do have focus issues caused by a parent, since birth. Usually it is the parent who has had such issues themselves, that went untreated. I think it is always a huge + to educate & treat your child via all natural treatment while gaining more +’s than -‘s. Doctor’s are not experienced with getting to the root problem… only treating what’s at hand & prolonging the actual sickness(in any health situation). Detoxing is also huge in treatment of any health issue. Nutrition as well. In order to thrive, this is all necessary. I would much rather prevent my children from ever having high cholesterol, high bp, diabetes, IBS, all the way up to cancer & all caused by parasites. This is why you feed your body what parasites do not like. If you eat proceed foods from the grocery stores, restaurant food, sugars & gluten…etc then you ate feeding the parasites that cause all sicknesses & they thrive in your body…not you. You end up with every sickness known to man(listed above). Doctors don’t tell you this. They are in the business along with the government, fda & Big pharma & only go to school to learn how to prescribe drugs, which never makes you better. Just can’t go wrong with the All Natural Route. Blessings to all.
This is a great comment Crystal. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Haha…’please don’t think you’re smarter than a dr!’ What an absurd comment. The problem with today’s society is many treat dr’s as God…all knowing. So very far from the truth! I respect ppl who seek to educate themselves!!! Dr’s (despite often being well-meaning) often do more harm than good when mainstream indoctrinated!
ALCAR (ACETYLCARNITINE) and ACETYLTYROSINE can be useful as well. They both are amino acids which are found in protein, but sometimes it seems our bodies need something extra. I have ADHD Inattentive type and I have found both to be quite useful. You should research them for yourself, there are studies about them both. Also, DMAE (found in fish as well as our brains) or phosphetylserine (probably not spelled correctly) also found in our brains.
Just some thoughts. 🙂 I hope it helped.
Hi Robin,
Thank you for your comment!
I’ve heard great things about ALCAR and ACETYLTYROSINE.
I haven’t tried either of them yet, but they’re definitely on my list to try very soon.
Yup, I have primarily the inattentive type of ADHD too, so your recommendations seem promising!
Your thoughts are much appreciated.
You’re Welcome! ☺️ I hope it helps.
Hi, im curious on the complexities of dhea, is it more so for women? Seeing its more for homosistine balance? I suppose it all depends on your physiological conditions. That being said, ALWAYS go over ALL knowledge with your dr! It only brings good when u do so honestly, as well as further educate drs. As well…there there to help….most have the passion anyhow 🙂 bless yall and seeking the better “unkown”
Great comment Jesse, totally agreed!
Oh yes, choline (comes from eggs) can sometimes be useful. 🙂 Ok, I’m done now. Again, I hope I was helpful.
If he is 12 years old he shouldn’t even be on vyvanse its stronger than the rest of the stuff ive had throught out my lifetime i didn’t go on Vyvanse till i was 19 and in general my body tolerates it pretty well i havent had any problems with it ever since i started mind you you i take 60mg a day. Really strong stuff that my young adult body can take not some much tolerable for a 12 year old. Finding a better alternative should be good. i had to switch frome Ritalin to Vyvanse as Ritalin didnt give me enough energy anymore once i grew into my adult body. Ritalin has been used for decades and is cheaper than Vyvanse. Vyvanse is just the souped of version of Ritalin.Feel free to look it up.
Its no wise to give advice without knowing all the facts. Some children need vyvanse. Thanks.
Hi, I’m currently taking Vyvanse 60 mg and have been on and off it as needed for over 2 years. I’ve just found out that my new insurance out of pocket for the prescription will be $250.00 per month, which is something I just can’t do. Thank you so much for the information you provided its very helpful and has left me feeling hopeful as opposed to terrified. With that said, I was curious as to whether you recommend taking ALL of the above together OR are these just a few alternatives that you’ve provided and it truly depends on the individual as to which one works better for them? I’m assuming its finding the right “cocktail” as is when taking prescription drugs?
Hi Priscilla. I reached a point where I couldn’t afford to keep taking Vyvanse either, so I definitely feel your pain. You’re very welcome for the information.
Like you, I was bummed that I couldn’t keep taking Vyvanse.
But, ADHD is still manageable when you go the natural route. It just takes some extra willpower to manage ADHD without having meds in your system (you’ll become more resilient as a result).
I recommend that you start with the strongest ingredients on this list – like using multivitamins, coffee, healthy food and beet juice. When you stop taking Vyvanse, it helps to have some potent and naturally stimulating ingredients in your system to compensate.
Once you’ve covered the essentials – yes, you can start to experiment with other ingredients like yerba mate, fish oil, matcha, and even ashwagandha.
I know that some people take upwards of 10+ natural supplements every day because many ingredients work synergistically.
So, definitely feel free to experiment.
get online and get the drug discount, i only pay $40 lin
Can u list the place to go online for the discount?
The discount from the drug company is helpful. However, some insurance companies refuse to pay ANYTHING until the patient has tried 5 or more alternatives and failed them according to their physicians documentation. So, the medication could still be $200 or more even with the discount from Vyvanse.
Please tell us how you only pay $40 online by giving the link to the website.
That coupon didn’t work for me. I use Vyvance not only for adhd, but also Binge Eating Disorder. I feel so lost without it. My monthly payments are still 200 with the coupon. Once I meet my deductable it is 70 a month. The coupon still provided a discount, but with my insurance it wasn’t enough to make a big difference.
I have taken Vyvanse for several (about 5) years now, many of which I got my Vyvanse for free. The manufacturer of Vyvanse is Shire, and they have a program called “Shire Cares” for those who cant afford it or whose insurance will not pay for it or enough of it. You have to provide them with your income info and proof that your insurance wont pay, but they send you a discount card good for one year of free or heavily discounted meds… the next year you just have to reapply. Your doctor shouldve told you about this.
Its a coupon on Shire’s website. Theyre the manufacturer of Vyvanse. It says “pay $30” but in fine print it says that the coupon will only deduct “UP TO $60” for the prscription. The coupon can be used along with your insurance as well
Great suggestions. I have done most of these, and recently discovered Rhodiola Rosea. Holey moley. Almost exactly the same as Vyvanse, without any of the side effects. ( I had headaches, heart palpitations, and panic attacks on Vyvanse). I’ll never go back to Vyvanse.
Thank you for your comment Mary.
Yes, Rhodiola Rosea is an amazing and totally underrated herb that many ADHD sufferers still don’t know about.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Vyvanse.
There’s rarely a “free lunch” when it comes to ADHD medication…
Every effective ADHD medication that I’ve used has come with some major downsides too.
Do you have a suggestion for which Rosea to purchase?
Yes. I’m a fan of Thorne Research Rhodiola or Jarrow Formulas Rhodiola Rosea.
Both are trusted supplements, so you can probably just find whichever one has the better price.
I really liked taking the Vyvanse it really helped with my focus and concentration but HAD to get off of it due to serious dry mouth and because of it I ended up having to get four crowns in 6 weeks after being on it for 9 months. With the Vyvanse I was able to keep my weight down and that was a bonus! After the Vyvanse I tried modafinil which also kept my weight down but also had some horendous side effects on me,so had to quit that too. When you switched to the Rhodiola Rosea did you have the same energy you did with the Vyvanse? And did you see any weight gain?
I tried Rhodiola Rosea at one point and sadly it made me very sleepy and foggy. I’m happy for those who have found it to be effective. 🙂
Excellent to know. Where do you get yours and are there different levels of quality product? (ie, brands)
It is not dangerous to take a child off a stimulant w out consulting a physician ! Your prob one of those parents who likes to suck the life out of their children w adhd w these harmful drugs ! Disgusting! U are doing the right thing for conner!
Hello All,
My youngest daughter, Allie was just diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Vyvanse by her pediatrician, who we love and trust. She’ll be 7 in 3 weeks. My husband is completely against medication. And I am too, to a point. I was reading all the side effects of Vyvanse, and I’m very scared to give it to her. I’ve tried coffee and it didn’t work. I don’t know what to do. Any help would be much appreciated. I just want the best for my Allie. She sobs to me “I can’t help it” or “I forget” and “I try.” My husband took Lyrica for nerve pain from combat, and it was the worse thing possible. And him coming down from that was like coming down from heroin!
Hi Jessica. I’m so sorry to hear about the painful situation that you’re in. I know it’s hard to decide between giving a child ADHD medication, or opting for natural remedies.
I really want to help you, but I can’t give medical advice, so I’ll try my best here.
Here are some things that have proven to help children with ADHD without causing harmful long-term problems:
– Competitive sports (this is really, really important)
– CBD oil (be mindful of THC content and local laws, as THC can show up in drug tests etc. See this article for more info:
– Fish oil
– Opting for a private elementary school with better-suited activities
– Using a standing desk
If you do decide to go forward with Vyvanse, it won’t be the end of the world for your child. It’s an extremely effective ADHD medication, and it can be used at *extremely* low doses to mitigate the risk of long-term issues.
If you don’t go forward with using Vyvanse, then I recommend speaking with a good naturopathic doctor in your area. Personalized guidance is actually probably going to be the best bet for your situation.
I truly wish you and your daughter the best of luck going forward.
If anyone else has any suggestions…please feel free to chime in 🙂
Earthfare sells a very good liquid product called ‘Added Attention’ by Buried Treasure. I am a registered nurse and I used this product for my daughter when she was young. Best wishes for you and your child.
Also… surely could purchase online. It cost approx. $30
Because of a job change we didn’t have insurance over the summer and kept our 16 year old son off Vyvanse. We tried to continue to keep him off it for school. (I kept a reserve for occasions when he felt he would need it) Yesterday he asked to take a Vyvanse. He did great in school but he didn’t sleep at all last night. Ugh! My heart sank when I found out. It’s a horrible side effect and struggle.
My questions are, what’s the best regiment to start with? How long is the effectiveness of the regiment? Will he have to re-dose during the day?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Staci,
Thank you very much for your comment.
I’m sorry to hear about your insurance/job change. This is a surprisingly common thing that forces many people to come off of Vyvanse.
First of all, I just want to ask: Have you tried lowering your son’s dosage of Vyvanse? You can check out this article to see how I used to “double” my supply of Vyvanse, while also reducing side effects (like sleeplessness):
If Vyvanse works well for your son in school, then I really hope that you can figure out a way to make Vyvanse work for him in the future.
But, I 100% agree that sleeplessness is a horrible side effect, and I totally understand if this makes Vyvanse a bad choice for your son at the moment.
As for the natural alternatives to Vyvanse, the truth is that nothing will work quite as well as Vyvanse.
BUT, I do think that zipfizz, fish oil, and a multivitamin is a great place to start for a teenager in high school.
Zipfizz helps me stay “in the zone” for about 2-3 hours, and it can be taken up to 3 times per day. Liquid fish oil is taken once or twice daily, and you typically only need one multivitamin per day (unless the product packaging says otherwise).
I really hope this helps you out Staci.
It can be tough to figure out a regimen that works for ADHD children. But, if you’re willing to experiment, I think that your son can have some real success with natural remedies.
If all else fails, then he might want to take a much lower dosage of Vyvanse once your health insurance allows it.
I wish you the best of luck going forward 🙂
I would never give a 7 year old vyvance. She is simply too young and many of her symptoms may simply be maturity related. Kids kids mature at different rates. I raised 2 boys with ADHD. The oldest started on meds at age 9…huge regret of mine to this day. I took him off after 6 months. He didn’t take again until college…he now, at age 23, thinks he has lasting brain damage form years on ADHD meds. I am on this site tonight looking for natural alternative treatments. One I used for him growing up was Spark…a product by Advocare Co….that worked pretty good for him as a child
Thank you very much for sharing your comment with the community here Laura.
You’re absolutely right that kids develop at different rates.
But, please don’t be too harsh on yourself about giving your children ADHD medication. These things happen. We have to live and learn. I’ve made PLENTY of mistakes.
You sound like you’re on a great path now Laura, so that’s all that matters.
I wish you and your children the best of luck with finding natural alternative treatments for ADHD!
Thanks again,
So you have quite a bit of things listed! Thanks so much for your time spent to help others. I have started getting embarrassing red splotches all over my neck and chest when barely flustered and think the Vyvanse is why. (Although I’ve been taking it for years on and off for work with no problems) I’m going to stop taking it. I get up at 3:30 am and work until about 3pm and then come home and “Mom”. Vyvanse helped me truck through with no problem and on 4-5 hours of sleep. What do you suggest? Do I go buy all those things and take daily? I need something to stay on task at work. I’m ALL OVER THE PLACE without medicine.
Thanks so much for your comment April.
Sorry to hear about your problem with Vyvanse! Yeah, Vyvanse is extremely helpful, but can definitely create problems sometimes.
Unfortunately, I think that Vyvanse is usually the best solution for people with ADHD when it comes to staying on task at work. There isn’t really a close over-the-counter substitute available that I know of.
Your next best option is going to involve lots of caffeine, healthy food, and exercise.
You definitely don’t have to try all of these things and take them daily…
I would start with some yerba mate, b vitamins, and anything else that you like.
I am a 58 year old female and I know for certain I have adhd. Have all my life. I’ve never been officially diagnosed because back in the day you were just labeled as the ‘bad’ kid and dealt with it. I have a son, grandson and granddaughter that have been ‘officially’ diagnosed and I’m pretty sure my daughter has it somewhat but has learned to adapt. She recently went to a weight loss doctor who prescribed her Vyvanse and she said she felt more together and calm. Also she was much more focused and able to function in a way that she never has. Which indeed confirms my suspicion that she too has it. I feel as though I need to get mine under more control because it seems the older I get the harder it becomes to manage. I cannot afford to get officially diagnosed because our doctor wants me to go through several different steps (which is ridiculously expensive and includes a psychiatric evaluation). I am not crazy. Lol. My question is….is this the typical steps to go through? Thank you for the alternative supplements. I will definitely try this.
Hey Pam, thank you for dropping a comment on here.
Haha yeah, it’s normal for your doctor to recommend a psychiatric evaluation if you’re interested in Vyvanse (which is technically a “psychostimulant” drug).
It isn’t always necessary to deal with those additional steps, but some doctors will want you to go through that whole process.
I think you’ll find this article relevant:
Or, if you’re just interested in the natural alternatives listed in this article, they may work for you too.
Definitely will give some of these a try! I am 19 and have been on Vyvanse for 4 years. At first taking 20 mg it helped and worked wonders, as time passed my tolerance built up and it was less effective. So over the course of 4 years, I continued having to up my dose because I’m not sure what it is but I seem to develop a tolerance very quickly to any type of medicine ( I got surgery once and it took them 2x the normal of medicine and IVs to make me go to sleep, even then I woke up in the middle of the surgery!). I am now prescribed 70 mg Vyvanse and as much as I love it I have to be honest with myself. I can take one pill and the effects completely be gone within 3-4 hours which is not normal. I am trying to get off of it because its causing me to develop some bad and unhealthy habits. Will any of these alternatives listed help with my ADHD even with my odd immunity to everything ? I really need some advice because I am running out of hope.
Waking up in the middle of surgery sounds horrible. I hope they quickly gave you something strong to get you back to sleep.
But yeah I totally understand your problem.
Nothing on this list is as effective as Vyvanse for helping with ADHD.
This list just gives you some options that can help you. They’re much better than nothing in my experience.
For your situation, you might want to chat with your doctor to find something strong enough to work for you, since it seems like you have an abnormally high tolerance to drugs / other ingredients.
I’m sorry that I can’t really help much with your situation Emma. I wish there was something I could do. If you keep working on your health and lifestyle, that’s where you’ll see the best results anyway IMO.
I wish you the best of luck going forward.
I just wanted to thank you so much for this article. I have been on Vyvanse for a little over three years, thinking it was helping me. I slowly started to feel like I was losing my mind..I was hallucinating, I felt bipolar, every food disgusted me and I’m 100pounds so I was losing weight and I was unhealthy, I was so irritable, I was anxious ALL THE TIME, I felt trapped. I never associated those things with the Vyvanse until one day I spent hours researching the bad symptoms it could have on people and what do you know, all of them lined up with the Vyvanse. So I looked up natural alternatives and stumbled across yours. I ordered everything on this list and this changed my life. I’ve never felt better. I feel like I can see everything clearer and hear everything clearer, even feel everything clearer. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for seriously helping me improve my life and clear my brain and get off of that shit. I wish I could meet you and hug you.
I would gladly accept your hug Michelle. So happy to hear that your life has changed for the best. Thank you so much for your kind message…and especially for sharing your story with us.
I appreciate you Michelle!
My son is 12 at 65 pounds, severe adhd along with other disorders. He has taken every adhd med he can take safely with having seizures as well. We just took him off vyvsnse 40 mg a month ago, because it wasn’t working. Along with angry emotional melt downs and no sleep. So started looking for natural remedies, yarba mate tea. Matcha tea. Concentration essentials 3 times a day and cbd oils. He also takes Paxil for anxiety and Intuniv for his tic disorder. He is calmer but still has trouble focusing, non of the teas help, or the coffee. So still looking for better ways to help him.
Anyone have any insight, also my son can’t seem to remember anything. He can read by not remember what he read. Someone can talk to him but with in 30 minutes can seem to remember hardly any of the conversation. Any advice?
Kelley I applaud you for helping your son to the best of your ability. You sound like an amazing mother. Sometimes these conditions are tough to deal with, and really require the help of a good Naturopathic doctor. I encourage you to work with the best doctor in your area! She should be able to pinpoint some more solutions for your son 🙂 Thanks so much for reading and leaving your thoughts on here.
What about GABA?
GABA is excellent as well Kristina.
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for all the great info and tips.
Have you heard of the book, “The Mood Cure:” by Julia Ross? It lists several natural things to help for ADHD as well as depression and other issues.
I recommend it to everyone I know who is going through depression or has ADHD.
Thanks Elizabeth! No I haven’t read The Mood Cure but maybe I should check it out!
I found drinking exogenous ketones helps me with mental clarity and motivation for about 3-4 hours. Not anywhere near my love of vyvanse, but I’m wondering since the ketones are basically another form of salts much like amphetamines are, maybe there is some validity behind my thoughts. I too am looking for alternatives due to the high cost of vyvanse and the constant dr appts. I also have a pot problem I’ve tried to kick for several years, and the more affordable stimulants are counterproductive. On vyvanse, I never even had the urge to smoke except for recreationally, which wasn’t a big deal to steer away from. But the anxiety and lack of eating, sleeping, and irritability on both Adderal and Ritalin have me back at square one and feeling like I’m about to self destruct once again.
which Rhodiola Rosea supplement do you recommend?
I have noticed different reactions for different people and that is due to physiology. I have been taking Vyvanse for the better part of 10 years (51 year old male). I am the scattered ADHD person who thrives on minimal sleep (average 5-7 hours a night).
Some people become drowsy where I become alert and focused. I am also much calmer and more reasonable when taking Vyvanse. My doctor also had me on Sertraline as a precaution as many ADHD patients also experience depression. I stopped taking that years ago as I didn’t notice any difference nor did my wife. I never solely trust my own opinion as we tend to see ourselves differently than others do.
I tried Adderall and became a beast on it. Ritalin is OK but has an upswing and downswing and doesn’t last as long.
Why am I here if Vyvanse is my miracle cure? Cost. Using the Shire coupon, I am paying nearly $240 per month. I don’t believe in taking a cocktail of natural substances as it is a lot to research for safety and a lot to remember for a person who is ADHD! While I am lucky enough to be able to afford the medicine, $8 per day, plus a doctor’s visit every 90 days, plus going to the pharmacy every 30 days really adds up. Texas is also making it difficult on Doctors that prescribe controlled substances which is causing them to drop support for adult ADHD patients.
I appreciate the ideas and information that this article and blog has shared!
As a Texas resident I completely agree with you, it’s not easy for people with ADHD!
Texas Resident here 10 years on Vyvanse. It’s my panacea along with Mindfulness Based Approach and healthy lifestyle. I am a young taxpaying ag farmer who not only can’t afford insurance due to enormous student loan debt (yay helping sector degrees with no living wages) but I generally distrust these broad systems of power which have only been too happy to take my time, money and repay me with more problems not care but hey that’s just my opinion. Takeda Help at Hand program formerly Shire Cares has covered my monthly prescriptions in full for 4 years now. What’s the catch? You can’t make over $75k/household income a year or live in a place like CA where your prescriptions can be mostly covered under MediCal – a punishment for CA residents really but anyways this goes for having other insurance which should be covering your meds. If you had/have insurance mostly to cover your Vyvanse and related specialist Dr. visits in the first place I recommend ditching it and going for the Takeda voucher + affordable ADHD clinic telemed subscription. You have to reapply annually but the application is simple, requires your prescribing Dr. (even the telemed ones are legit) to fill out a portion, have to attach your tax return or paycheck stubs. Easy. Even for the ADHD afflicted. It can take over a month to approve so plan ahead with meds and be the “squeaky wheel” to get answers, persistently if you want the right ones. Sometimes it takes calling the right rep to get your app handled on the spot. Regardless, plan to apply over a month from being out of medication. From experience trying to function as an adult without Vyvanse is straight up excruciating. There’s also something to be said about going directly to the multi-trillion dollar drug manufacturer for assistance. Not burdening our healthcare systems by doing so takes a lot of guilt and shame away from my needing to take Vyvanse and therefore I have more success in actually taking my medication regularly (a common problem amongst many people with ADHD despite how addictive these medications are deemed).
Now back to being in TX… unlike other states where your prescriber can just send in your prescription based on a check-in email from you, they have very strict laws about prescribing Vyvanse here in TX and there’s a requirement to see your psychopharm monthly, however silver lining of this pandemic has been the emergence of telemedicine where even adhd specific psychopharmacologists now have clinics that offer affordable monthly subscriptions for patients under $50/month where after paying $150 for them to evaluate your adhd diagnosis and meet with you via Zoom, you can video conference, call or text your doctor/dr. Office to check-in monthly, let them know you got your prescription or for any help. There’s even telemedicine options for getting diagnosed as an adult. Revolutionary considering the months of extremely expensive testing I was put through in childhood. This isn’t a promo. I’m not affiliated with any programs I’m literally dealing with ADHD too.
Natural remedies are wonderful. I make them from seed to sticker on the bottles but they are 1. Not cheap 2. Very time consuming all around from figuring out what to take, how to take, what to buy, taking multiple remedies multiple times a day. It’s an obsessive hedonistic treadmill. And often people forget that stress kills physically/emotionally/cognitively remember that and ask yourself how much is your time and sanity worth? 3. Not as effective or sustainable as prescription medications. This is my personal opinion after spending half my life managing my adhd and having to navigate the world which is not in favor of our differences.
I’m at a point personally where these natural remedies may be worth trying because I’d like to stop taking medication for a few years to have children so I appreciate the time and effort taken to share this information. I just saw so many comments of people clearly struggling to get their medication and know from my experience how helpless and daunting life can feel in those situations. Had to share that there are ways to get medical care assistance. They may be less conventional ways of receiving medical care but please know there are ways if you have the will to get what you need to keep moving ahead. This is a personal choice, one that requires a licensed professional to consult you on literal risks. Aside from that just like most things, you have to make choices. Do what’s best for you not only today in your head but in ten years when the body it’s attached to will give less and need even more. Your Vyvanse isn’t going to morph you into a diseased troll but orthorexia and other extreme stressors on your mind and body life likely will. Stay well!