Last Updated: November 27th, 2019
No one wants to live with ADHD. In fact, it’s normal to want to cure ADHD, and live life like everyone else. And, while there unfortunately isn’t a cure for ADHD, I do have some good news for you:
You can still live a happy, healthy, fun and wealthy life with ADHD – when you decide to overcome your ADHD symptoms in 2020.
So, take a few minutes to learn how to make the most of your ADHD right now (this article is extremely important).
Stop trying to cure ADHD & start overcoming your ADHD symptoms
Instead of trying to cure ADHD, I’ve found great results by changing my overall lifestyle, so that I can play to my strengths.
Because, while you don’t have to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, you do have to start molding your life around your strengths, and start making small changes if you’d like to achieve positive results with ADHD.
As someone with ADHD, you should also look for every advantage you can gain when it comes to your health, lifestyle and overall well-being.
If you can simply play to your strengths, start making small changes in your life, and use all of the ‘ethical advantages’ that are available to you (listed below), you can finally take back your life from ADHD.
How do you play to your strengths with a life-altering condition like ADHD?
I understand that ADHD is a difficult condition to deal with. ADHD has probably even forced you to develop a number of coping mechanisms to navigate work, relationships, school, family and plenty of other aspects of your life.
There were times when I too believed that I was practically worthless. I could hardly even function in certain classes at school.
But, once I started to play to my strengths, everything around me began to change.
I found more success with my work. My relationships became stronger. I even managed to get into the best shape of my life.
To play to your strengths with ADHD, you just have to start doing more of what you’re good at.
For example:
- If you’re a naturally creative person, then you need to work in a creative field, or start a ‘side business’ where you can use your imagination to make a good living
- If you like working with numbers, then you need to start a website that shows interesting data or statistics in a field that you’re passionate about
- You can then use your website as a public portfolio, and find your dream job if you’d like
- If you’re interested in fitness, health or wellness, then you probably have a desire to help others
- People with ADHD are capable of doing virtually anything, like working with art, film, writing, business, finance or wherever your natural strengths may be
To make the most of living with ADHD, you have to forget about the weaknesses that ADHD causes you.
It’s time to focus on your strengths, because that’s where your future lies.
Maximizing your strengths takes time. Start small. Just start now.
No one’s life has ever changed overnight. That’s a myth pulled straight from Hollywood!
The truth is that many people with ADHD are able to achieve whatever they want in life.
Whether it’s love, happiness, fame, or whatever.
But, high-achieving people with ADHD also make a conscious decision to focus on their strengths, and slowly transform their existence over time.
Today, if you can just accept that you can’t cure ADHD with one magic overnight solution, that’s a great start.
But, if you can also accept that you will be able to live a fulfilling life with ADHD by making a number of small changes over time, that’s also a very wise decision to make.
What are the must-have advantages for overcoming ADHD symptoms?
Having ADHD can make you feel like you’re at a disadvantage in certain areas. It’s absolutely normal to feel this way.
But, you can choose to get upset about the fact that you may be disadvantaged in some areas.
Or, you can make the decision to gain every ethical advantage that you can!
People with ADHD should feel absolutely free to leverage every ethical advantage available, such as:
Prescription ADHD medication
If a prescription ADHD medication works well for you, and you know how to accurately dose your ADHD medication, I absolutely encourage you to go the ADHD medication route.
You’ll obviously have to consult with a doctor to find out which ADHD medication works best for your mind and body.
But, I support anyone with ADHD who wants to use ADHD medication responsibly.
I’ve personally experienced great benefits with ADHD medication. I know that ADHD medication can work well for many people with ADHD.
Only you and your doctor can decide which ADHD meds work best for you.
Natural superfoods
Natural superfoods have a boring reputation. But in reality, nutritious foods like Natural Goji Berries (Amazon) are the exact opposite of boring.
Making the choice to eat healthy, natural foods means that you commit to fueling your body with pure energy.
Keep in mind that most people eat low-quality food. If you can stick to a mostly clean diet, you’ll give yourself a nice mental edge which many people with ADHD desperately need.
If you’re taking ADHD medication, then you really want to make sure that you’re eating high-quality food like organic eggs, chicken, quinoa, wild caught fish etc.
Healthy supplements
Supplements aren’t optional for people who want to make the most of their ADHD.
The average American diet doesn’t provide anywhere near the nutritional value that people with ADHD need in order to truly thrive.
You have to use high-impact supplements such as:
Premium liquid fish oil

Liquid fish oil (Amazon) is great for balancing the level of omega-3 fatty acids in your system.
Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish oil) has been shown to improve brain function, prevent the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease, and even reduce ADHD symptoms.
I take a teaspoon of fish oil at mealtime, and I can feel the big impact that it has on my cognitive ability.
Vitamin B-Complex
Using a great food-based vitamin b-complex like Rainbow Light Energy B-Complex (Amazon) will help you feel sharper, more mentally balanced and calm.
I like the Rainbow Light brand because their products are food-based.
Food-based vitamins are sourced from natural foods, so you can feel really good about what you’re putting in your body.
Vitamin D
If you’re like me, and you work at home or in an office building, then you’re probably deficient in vitamin D.
I wrote an entire article about how I found Rainbow Light Vitamin D3 (Amazon) to be the best natural ADHD supplement on the market.
Many people don’t realize that vitamin D is actually great for your bone health, immune system and your brain function.
Magnesium Citramate
I spend a lot of time raving about the benefits of Magnesium Citramate (Amazon), so I’m not going to do that today.
Instead, I’d just like you to keep in mind that Magnesium Citramate is a supplement that can totally change the way that you sleep and live your life.
It’s absolutely excellent.
Milk thistle
Your liver is responsible for detoxifying your system. So, taking Jarrow Formulas Milk Thistle (Amazon) will support your liver function, and essentially help your body get rid of some nasty toxins. This is a must-use supplement for living an all-around healthier lifestyle.
Overall, these are just some of the supplements that I use every day.
There are many natural ADHD remedies that can change the way you think, work, sleep and live your life.
Stay on top of your supplements, and your body will thank you further down the road.
If you aren’t exercising, then you’re gradually allowing your body to deteriorate.
I don’t say this to be harsh. I just mean that the human body is supposed to move around a lot, and most people stay pretty stagnant throughout the day. This is a huge problem. And, it isn’t necessarily your fault either.
I understand that plenty of jobs require that you sit in an office chair for 8 hours per day.
But, you have to hedge against letting your body deteriorate however you can.
For example, you can:
- Get a stand up desk for using at home
- Exercise before you go to the office
- Work out when you leave work
- Work out during your lunch break
- Do some bodyweight squats or push-ups every few hours
- Run around your neighborhood
Your options for exercise are nearly unlimited.
You have to do whatever you can to start moving, and start saving your health before it’s too late.
Low-stress environments
Stress is dangerous.
It’s likely that chronic stress is the greatest killer in modern societies. You just have to look at the people who work in tense corporate environments to realize this.
Unfortunately, stress isn’t easy to avoid.
But, stress is definitely manageable, and anyone can get better at eliminating stress from their life.
One of the best ways to limit the amount of stress in your life is to control the environments that you put yourself in.
To gain more control over the stress in your life, you can…
- Avoid talking with people who like to gossip
- Interact with fun-loving people who understand the value of bouncing positive energy off one another
- Watch more stand-up comedy
- Drink a couple glasses of red wine a few nights out of the week
- Go out and socialize
- Outsource the aspects of your life that you don’t like to deal with (hire a maid, personal cook, use a grocery delivery service etc.)
Books are where I get my best information from.
You have to read great books, because books will probably provide the closest cure for ADHD that we’ll have access to in our lifetime.
I recommend grabbing a Kindle Fire HD 10 (Amazon), which is budget-friendly, fun, great for using in bed, and excellent for reading books like:
You’ve got to read, read and then read some more.
If you’re looking for the ultimate ADHD cure, reading books that cover topics like mental health, psychology, self-help, food and many others will come close to providing you with nearly all of the answers you’re searching for.
Cure ADHD by overcoming your ADHD symptoms conclusion
Having ADHD means that life probably hasn’t been completely fair to you. It’s completely normal to feel that way.
Trust me. I felt “cheated” for a very long time. That is, until I realized that feeling sorry for yourself probably isn’t going to get you anywhere.
To make the most of your ADHD, and come as close as possible to curing the condition, you have overcome your ADHD symptoms by taking really great care of yourself.
And, a long as you’re willing to put in the effort that’s required to make the most of your life with ADHD, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Play to your strengths. Start making small changes in your life. And, use every advantage that’s available to you. That’s the greatest way to cure ADHD that I know of.
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