Last updated: September 21, 2019 Crafting your own child ADHD treatment involves carefully evaluating your child, teaching your child healthy habits early on, and possibly even beginning a light medication regimen (for extreme cases).
But, luckily for you, this article contains the 7 best tricks for treating ADHD in kids – so most of the hard work has been done for you.
Just get ready to absorb this information, and help your child make the most of their learning disability.
Here are the 7 tricks you need to know for the sake of your child’s ADHD:
Trick 1. Make sure that your child has actually been diagnosed with ADHD
It’s tempting to jump to conclusions about ADHD in children.
And, this warning might even seem obvious to some.
But, please make sure that your child has actually been diagnosed with ADHD by a medical professional before considering ADHD treatments.
ADHD is a serious condition that should always be dealt with as soon as possible. But, it’s also important to make sure that your child has been properly diagnosed with ADHD before taking action.
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, then you’re in the right place.
Trick 2. Tell your child that ADHD isn’t their fault
When I was a child, I wish I’d known the reasons why I always felt slower than my peers.
But, my teachers never caught me cheating in class. When I started acting up in school, and getting in trouble, my parents never suspected anything was wrong.
I don’t blame my teachers or parents for not seeing the signs. I just wish that someone had told me I had ADHD, and that none of the symptoms were my fault.
One of the best things you can do for your child is tell them that ADHD isn’t their fault. If you’d like to take it a step further, you can even teach your child how their ADHD brain works, and help them discover what type of ‘learner’ they are as soon as possible (left brain, right brain, visual, auditory etc).
Anything that you can do to help your child tap into their natural talents and limit the downsides of ADHD will help them tremendously in life.
Trick 3. Consider a low dose of ADHD medication for extreme cases
I don’t believe that medication is the first solution a parent should automatically jump to when it comes to treating a child with ADHD.
But, I know that when I was in middle school, there were times when I should’ve been on a low dose of high-quality ADHD medication.
I remember sitting in my 5th grade class in a complete daze while everyone read their books for 45 minutes after lunch.
This happened every single day.
I could read well. But, I could rarely focus on reading long enough to make it through a single chapter.
A similar thing happened in my math class, to where I couldn’t comprehend basic long division and other math problems. I felt so dumb at the time. Worst of all, I didn’t know why.
Today, I can handle math problems and read 350 page books without a problem. This makes me believe that ADHD medication would have helped me tremendously as a child.
But, my ADHD is definitely an extreme case.
If your child has a severe case of ADHD, or is ‘on the spectrum’ in one way or another, then I would recommend speaking with a medical professional about implementing a light ADHD medication regimen for your child.
I realize that medication isn’t always a comfortable idea. Especially with how delicate a child’s brain is during the earliest years of childhood development.
But, at the same time, I would hate for another child to have to endure the confusion that I went through in school.
A light ADHD medication regimen could potentially help your child get into top schools, universities or graduate programs in the future.
This is something that every parent should at least consider for their child.
Trick 4. Help your child develop strong brain habits
You already realize that your child’s early developmental years are an unbelievably important time in your child’s life.
But, many parents don’t realize that even if your child has ADHD, you can still instill healthy habits in your child, and help their brain develop in the best ways possible.
Now is an amazing time to teach your child how to…
- Speak a foreign language (I recommend DuoLingo)
- Socialize with other children
- Play an instrument
- Practice a sport
- Do artwork
By getting your ADHD child in a habit of exercising their brain as early as possible, you can potentially help them curb life-long learning disabilities, and even excel at certain talents.
Trick 5. Let your child have fun, explore and express their ADHD brain
While it’s true that ADHD can make your child progress through life differently than most children, not everything about the condition is bad.
ADHD isn’t actually a limiting condition in the way that most parents think it is.
Children with ADHD are often disinterested in specific aspects of life (like certain school subjects) and wildly passionate about their true hobbies and interests.
This is why you have to encourage your child to have fun, explore and find out what they’re interested in doing.
By encouraging your ADHD child to follow their natural interests, you can help them discover amazing ‘hidden’ talents.
Trick 6. Learn when to discipline your ADHD child, and when to let them roam free
Rebelliousness is such a common trait in children with ADHD that it can be extremely difficult to tell when your child is acting up, or just expressing their natural ADHD symptoms.
In this situation, you really have to find the delicate balance that works best for your unique child.
Because, if you discipline your ADHD child unnecessarily, they will rebel against you.
But, if you discipline your ADHD child when discipline is actually warranted, your child will respect you more, and appreciate your thoughtfulness much later on in life.
Trick 7. Replace TV with good music
There’s nothing wrong with letting your child occasionally watch television. But generally speaking, there’s very little for your child to gain from watching TV over the long-term.
On the other hand, there’s plenty of research that suggests playing classical music for your child can improve their ability to listen, concentrate and practice self-discipline.
Some studies even suggest that musicians maintain sharper minds, and are less likely to suffer from mental decline.
If you find that your child enjoys playing an instrument as a primary form of entertainment, that would be an amazing outcome.
But at the end of the day, listening to any kind of music will generally be much more beneficial to your ADHD child’s well-being than watching TV.
The Child ADHD Treatment Plan Conclusion
You now have a foundation for creating the ultimate child ADHD treatment for your household.
But, you should also feel free to get creative with the ADHD treatments that work best for your child.
You can also consult with a medical professional, or child behavioral therapist for even more tailored advice.
But, as of now, you’re hopefully in a better position to provide your ADHD child with some of the best care in the world.
My child has been diagnos with ADHD, i need support to how good treatment with him.
Hey Joanne,
Thanks for your comment.
It’s great that you’re showing consideration for your child’s ADHD diagnosis.
Here’s what I recommend you do:
1. Show your child lots of love and creative freedom. Let them explore their talents, and help them do what they love.
2. Be cautious about public schools. If your child has a teacher that doesn’t really “get” ADHD, that could mean trouble. Consider enrolling your child in a quality private school, or at least the best public school you can find.
3. Keep reading and learning about ADHD. Understanding how your child’s brain works is key. Feed them high-quality food, and get them enrolled in sports as soon as possible.
I’m sure you’ll do great.