Last updated: November 27th, 2019
I’m on a quest to find products that work for people with ADHD. So in this article, you’ll come to understand the awesome benefits of using CBD oil for ADHD, anxiety, and a number of other issues going into the year 2020.
I’d heard unbelievably positive stories about CBD oil for years now. I’d heard about CBD oil helping people who suffer from ADHD, anxiety, arthritis, bipolar disorder, and various other conditions live a more comfortable lifestyle.
Most importantly, I’d heard that CBD oil actually helps people with life-altering health issues enjoy a much better quality of life.
So, I was finally able try CBD oil for myself (after hearing the many amazing stories involving CBD oil).
And, I can now say with certainty that CBD oil is one of the best nutritional supplements that I’ve tried.
CBD oil essentially puts your brain “at ease” and makes it easier for you to concentrate on the things that matter to you. But, CBD oil also provides so many other benefits, which I discuss in this article.
In this article, you will learn about:
- What CBD oil is
- The legality of CBD oil
- Why using CBD oil for ADHD is a positive experience for most people
- The many other potential health benefits of using CBD oil
- Where to find the best CBD oil in 2020 (vetting the best CBD oil companies)
- cbdMD review ~ the most reputable CBD oil for ADHD
- Special cbdMD coupon for ADHD Boss readers
- NuLeaf Naturals review ~ best CBD oil for optimal health
- Bluebird Botanicals review ~ the cheapest CBD oil
- cbdMD review ~ the most reputable CBD oil for ADHD
- How to use CBD oil for ADHD
- Conclusion
Just keep reading to learn everything you need to know about using CBD oil to live a healthier and happier lifestyle with ADHD…
General Medical Disclaimer: CBD oil is not a treatment for ADHD or anxiety. Rather, CBD oil has the potential to improve your quality of life if you’re undergoing pain in one way or another. CBD oil is not a replacement for ADHD medication. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using CBD oil, or making any changes to your diet. You can refer to our full medical disclaimer for further details.
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is a type of cannabis oil that contains a significant amount of cannabidiol (CBD). And, CBD is one of the most important naturally-occurring cannabinoids found in in the cannabis plant.
If you’re researching CBD oil on the web, then you’re most likely interested in CBD oil that comes from hemp. Because, hemp-derived CBD oil is high in CBD, and low in THC.
In other words, the CBD oil that is made from hemp doesn’t actually get you high.
Instead, hemp-derived CBD oil (also called ‘hemp oil’) provides you with a wealth of health benefits. Many people also claim to experience a “warm glow” or a general sense of well-being after consuming CBD oil.
As someone who frequently smoked cannabis at one point (in a failed attempt to self-medicate my ADHD), I actually prefer CBD oil over plain cannabis by a long shot.
Smoking cannabis can definitely be enjoyable. But, there’s something really special about using CBD oil, and knowing that you’re getting raw health benefits without any of the anxiety or brain fog that typically comes with cannabis consumption.
CBD oil is essentially a safe, natural, and effective nutritional supplement that can significantly improve your overall quality of life.
The legality of CBD oil
CBD oil that is derived from industrial hemp can legally be shipped to all 50 U.S. states.
This is because U.S. Federal law allows for CBD oil that contains less than 0.3% THC (according to section 7606 of the Farm Bill of 2013).
There are a few exceptions, however, since states like South Dakota have restricted access to CBD oil.
So, please make sure to do your research regarding how CBD oil is interpreted by your state.
But overall, CBD oil is a safe, legal, and easily-obtainable product that just about everyone in the U.S. has access to.
You do not need to live in a cannabis-friendly state like Colorado to obtain CBD oil. You do not need to have a medical marijuana card or a prescription, either.
Anyone can use hemp-derived CBD oil.
In fact, according to Forbes, the CBD market is expected to become a $2.1+ billion market by the year 2020.
This suggests that millions of people around the world are currently using CBD products. And the popularity of CBD oil is growing rapidly.
Why using CBD oil for ADHD is a positive experience for most people (the benefits)
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can make it difficult to control what you focus on.
It’s a disorder of control.
This is why people with ADHD often jump from one shiny object to the next, focus on the “wrong” tasks, and waste energy on things that don’t really matter.
If you have ADHD, then you know best of all that you CAN focus. You just have trouble actually doing the things that you know you should be doing.
You probably overthink things. Your thoughts sometimes spiral out of control. And, there’s even a chance that your anxiety prevents you from doing what needs to be done on a day-to-day basis.
“ADHD is often comorbid with anxiety, with rates approaching 25% in many samples.”
If your ADHD is rooted in anxiety (like mine is), there’s a chance that taking control of your anxiety will provide you with the greatest improvement in your health and happiness.
And, CBD oil is one of the best natural substances for temporarily soothing some of the issues that come with ADHD and anxiety.
CBD oil can provide you with a nice little boost of mental clarity that really improves how you feel on any given day. It’s a great pick-me-up.
For example, it’s really easy for me to get stuck in my own head.
But, after taking CBD oil for the first time, I found myself not really thinking about stuff.
- I was more talkative than normal
- I was “in my body” rather than stuck in my own head
- I didn’t experience as much “mental resistance” to accomplishing tasks
And, I especially enjoyed trying CBD oil because the results were instantaneous.
I didn’t have to wait for weeks to notice results, like I would have to do with black seed oil (for example).
It’s pretty comforting that a simple over-the-counter dietary supplement like CBD oil has the potential to provide immediate, noticeable results in people with ADHD.
Overall, I would rank CBD oil as a 8.5/10 solution for improving the lives of people with ADHD – because it’s a safe, effective, and sustainable natural remedy.
CBD oil obviously cannot provide anything that even remotely resembles the stimulation that you would feel after taking prescription ADHD medication.
Just to be crystal clear: CBD oil isn’t a treatment for ADHD.
Instead, CBD oil seems to work by temporarily lowering your inhibitions, calming your nerves, and cutting through your brain fog.
You can think of CBD oil as a natural tool for boosting your mood, and skyrocketing you into a more aspirational mental state.
After taking CBD oil, you’ll probably feel more connected to other people, and ready to accomplish the tasks that actually matter to you.
This isn’t just some hippie non-sense.
If you worry a lot, think too much, or procrastinate more than you’d like to – there’s a good chance that supplementing with CBD oil will improve your quality of life.
The many other potential health benefits of CBD oil
While ADHD Boss is a website that focuses on living a healthier and more productive lifestyle with ADHD, it’s important to note that CBD oil may also help with so much more than just ADHD.
For example, many people take advantage of CBD oil’s health benefits specifically because CBD is naturally effective and non-intoxicating.
This can make CBD oil ideal for combating pain, worry, inflammation, seizures, and various other issues without having to sacrifice mental clarity.
There is also small, but growing, scientific evidence that CBD may prove as a helpful sleep aid for those suffering with acute sleep deprivation.
Interestingly, CBD is also being researched as a potential treatment for conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Depression
- MS
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalga
- Epilepsy
- Leaky gut syndrome
- Addiction
- Sleep Deprivation
- And more
But, one of CBD’s most promising health benefits involves its potential antitumor properties. According to PubMed, CBD has shown to inhibit certain types of cancers:
Using animal models, CBD has been shown to inhibit the progression of many types of cancer including glioblastoma (GBM), breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer.
PubMed specifically refers to CBD as a potential anticancer drug, and a new weapon against cancer.
And while CBD can’t lawfully be referred to as a treatment for any sort of disease, the scientific and clinical research backing CBD has been overwhelmingly positive so far.
In other words, I’m extremely optimistic about the future trend of using CBD oil to improve overall health and wellness.
More and more people who are experiencing pain in one form or another are starting to benefit from CBD oil.
And, this news is quickly spreading around the globe.
Where to find the best CBD oil (vetting the best sources of CBD oil)
When it comes to finding the best CBD oil, let’s just say that I’ve done the research for you.
First, I researched the 20+ legitimate CBD oil companies, and the CBD oil industry as a whole.
Then, I narrowed down the two best CBD oil companies based on factors like:
- Product quality
- Customer happiness
- Third party testing
- Quality control
- Fast shipping & service
And finally, I reached out to the best CBD oil companies, and asked each of them for a sample of CBD oil to test.
So, this article has been made possible thanks to cbdMD, NuLeaf Naturals and Bluebird Botanicals – some of the best CBD oil providers that I highly-recommend due to the following reasons…
Best CBD oil #1. cbdMD review ~ CBD oil with the best reputation (best CBD oil for ADHD overall)
CbdMD is the CBD company that currently stocks the best CBD oil for ADHD.
This is because cbdMD is verified THC-free, independently tested by a third-party lab, with full-service customer care, and domestic (USA) hemp sourcing.
Not to mention cbdMD is also backed by professional athletes like Bubba Watson and Lolo Jones.
If you need even more convincing, cbdMD provides a complete money-back promise which ensures you have literally nothing to worry about when trying their CBD products.
Note: You can scroll down a bit further below in this article if you’d like a special cbdMD coupon code reserved exclusively for readers of ADHD Boss!
CbdMD Premium CBD Oil 3000mg review
CbdMD Premium CBD Oil 3000 is the best CBD oil for ADHD that I recommend for the year 2020 (and beyond).
This is because cbdMD holds the best business reputation throughout the entire CBD oil industry.
They’re an extremely reputable CBD company with proven product quality.
CbdMD’s Premium 3000mg CBD Oil is a smart choice because 3000mg is a good sized dosage that ensures you’ll feel its benefits.
You’ll also have the option to choose from cbdMD’s flavors like:
- Natural flavor
- Berry flavor
- Orange flavor
- Mint flavor
I’m personally a fan of the orange flavor so that is my recommendation.
By the way, another great option is cbdMD’s 750mg Gummies which may be better suited for ADHD children who would rather chew on a candy-like treat rather than swallow an oil.
CbdMD final thoughts (plus a special cbdMD coupon code reserved for readers of ADHD Boss)

At the end of the day, I have to recommend cbdMD because it’s the most reputable CBD oil in the industry.
I like to use health supplements that don’t come with risks, worries or any other strings attached.
And that’s exactly what you get here. You have nothing to worry about.
Best of all, you can use the cbdMD coupon code adhdboss15 to receive a 15% discount off your order at!
Best CBD oil #2. NuLeaf Naturals review ~ best CBD oil for optimal health & performance
NuLeaf Naturals produces some of the highest-quality CBD oil available.
They’re an all-natural, organic CBD oil producer based out of Denver, Colorado.
NuLeaf Naturals produces full-spectrum, high grade CBD oils made from non-GMO hemp plants.
I’m a big fan of the entire approach that NuLeaf Naturals takes to ensure that customers only receive the purest & healthiest CBD oil in the world.
NuLeaf Naturals High Grade CBD Oil review
High Grade CBD Oil was the CBD oil from NuLeaf Naturals that I tried, and continue to use.
I love just about every aspect of this CBD oil, primarily because of the peace of mind that you get to enjoy while using it.
NuLeaf Naturals is adamant about their organic farming practices, extensive lab testing, and non-usage of any chemical additives whatsoever.
I haven’t been able to find any other CBD oil company that shows a similar extreme compassion for product quality like NuLeaf Naturals does.
So, the High Grade CBD Oil that I sampled contains 725 mg of CBD in total.
And with a serving size of approximately 10 drops, this means that each .5 fluid ounce bottle of High Grade CBD oil provides about 30 total servings.
The High Grade CBD Oil smells and tastes like quality cannabis. It’s golden in color, and beautiful to look at.
I also like the easy-to-open bottle that NuLeaf Naturals provides, along with a high-quality dropper that makes dosing a breeze.
As for the effects of the High Grade CBD Oil – I felt super clear-headed, relaxed, and calm. I felt less apprehensive about chatting with people, getting work done, and starting on tasks.
Starting on tasks is often one of the most challenging obstacles that people with ADHD and anxiety face. So, this is an area where I believe that quality CBD oil can really help people out.
The one kicker that I can foresee certain people having an issue with is the price of NuLeaf Naturals. Their products are priced at the high end of the market.
With that being said, this doesn’t mean that NuLeaf Naturals’ CBD oil is “expensive”.
Rather, you’re paying for a premium product that has the potential to significantly improve your health and well-being.
I consider NuLeaf’ Naturals’ products to be more of an “investment” than anything else.
You’re using their CBD oil to invest in your health.
Final thoughts on NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil
Overall, it should be clear that NuLeaf Naturals caters to the high end of the CBD oil market.
They produce some of the highest-quality therapeutic oils in the world.
If you’re in a situation where you need the best-quality CBD oil available, and price isn’t as much of a concern, then you can’t really go wrong with their High Grade CBD Oil product.
This is why I rank NuLeaf Naturals as having the best CBD oil for optimal health.
Best CBD oil source #3. Bluebird Botanicals review ~ cheapest CBD oil brand
Bluebird Botanicals is a cheap CBD oil company based out of Broomfield, Colorado.
I was attracted to Bluebird Botanicals because of their affordable CBD oil products.
I like that Bluebird Botanicals offers assistance programs to help low-income earners, veterans, and people with disabilities gain access to quality CBD oils at discounted rates.
Bluebird Botanicals is a CBD oil vendor that low income households can benefit from!
Bluebird Botanicals Hemp Classic review
Hemp Classic was the first CBD oil that I tried from Bluebird Botanicals. And, it was a good one. This is a cheap entry-level hemp CBD oil that anyone can use to obtain results.
The 1 fluid ounce bottle of Hemp Classic that I sampled contains a total of 250+ mg of cannabinoids. And, one serving of Hemp Classic is equal to 15 drops.
So, the entire 1 fluid ounce bottle of Hemp Classic provides about 60 servings in total.
Hemp Classic is ultimately described as a cannabinoid-rich CO2 hemp extract that’s emulsified in organic virgin hemp seed oil. But, Bluebird Botanicals makes it clear that their hemp extracts contain more than just CBD. Hemp Classic contains cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals and more.
This means that Hemp Classic is a full-spectrum extract that provides you with all of the natural goodies found in the hemp plant.
As for the effects, I felt that this CBD oil was mild. Most people will be able to take 15 drops of this CBD oil, and go about their day feeling a little bit more optimistic about life. After consuming this CBD oil, you’ll most likely feel more calm and “content”. It’s a peaceful feeling.
Overall, Hemp Classic is safe, smooth, and calming CBD oil that works as described.
Bluebird Botanicals Hemp Classic 6x review
Hemp Classic 6x was the second CBD oil from Bluebird Botanicals that I tried.
This is a concentrated CO2 hemp extract that contains a total of 500+ mg of cannabinoids per .33 fluid ounce bottle (which is the size of bottle that I received).
One serving of Hemp Classic 6x is roughly 15 drops – give or take.
This gives you approximately 20 servings in total (per .33 fluid ounce bottle).
However, I personally found the Hemp Classic 6x to be quite strong.
I felt the effects of this extract after only about 7 drops.
So this bottle will actually provide me with about 40+ servings.
Some people even choose to take “micro doses” of this concentrated extract, by using only a few drops at a time!
So if you’re a relatively new user of CBD oil (like I am) – the Hemp Classic 6x will probably give you a decent bang for your buck.
Hemp Classic 6x will be the concentrated CBD oil that I continue to use to:
- Relax before bedtime
- Watch movies
- Do housework
- Make ordinary tasks feel more engaging
Final thoughts on Bluebird Botanicals CBD oil
Overall, I found that Bluebird Botanicals CBD oil provides an average combination of quality and value.
This company provides decent products at a price that most people can comfortably afford.
If you’re new to using CBD oil, I recommend grabbing a bottle of Hemp Classic (the original extract) or Hemp Classic 6x (the concentrated extract).
I’m confident that you’ll enjoy either option that you choose.
And, I’ve ultimately ranked Bluebird Botanicals as having the cheapest CBD oil due to the company’s affordability and value for your dollar.
How to use CBD oil for ADHD
I have only used CBD oil sublingually so far.
This simply means that you can take your desired dose of CBD oil underneath your tongue, and let it sit there for 60 seconds before swallowing.
As for storage – you can refrigerate your CBD oil if you want to. I personally keep my CBD oil in the fridge for maximum freshness. But, you can store your CBD oil in any dark, cool location (like your kitchen cabinet).
As for dose frequency – most users of CBD oil dose once or twice per day. You can take CBD oil in the morning or night. I personally prefer to use CBD oil in the evening, when I’m starting to relax after a day of work. This also makes CBD oil sort of a “reward” for me. Knowing that you have CBD oil on hand is honestly a great incentive to work hard, and enjoy an after-work treat.
Pro tip: Because I’m a hyper-responder to just about everything that I take (medication, supplements, CBD oil) I like to give this small “warning”. Make sure to start small with your doses of CBD oil at first. Just try a few drops of CBD oil to see how your body responds to CBD. Once all is good, you can always take plenty more!
Overall, I hope this article encourages people with ADHD to explore the potentially massive benefits that CBD oil may provide you with.
CBD oil is an extremely safe, natural, and effective dietary ingredient that can easily improve just about anyone’s life…
Especially if you’re experiencing pain in one form or another.
And luckily, sourcing high-quality CBD oil is easier than ever.
CbdMD, NuLeaf Naturals and Bluebird Botanicals both make it extremely convenient to have world-class CBD oil shipped directly to your doorstep.
So, make sure to take advantage of these excellent nutritional supplements, and enjoy a happier life with ADHD today.
I’m researching CBD oil for my 13 year old son who struggles at school with focus impulsivity etc and the school is applying pressure to medicate him. He keeps getting penalty points for not listening, calling out and being pulled out of class because he can’t seem to carry out tasks set. He only displays these behaviours more so at school. At home, There some signs of anxiety like twiddling with his hair, biting nails and sometimes struggling to fall asleep. I hate the idea of having him on Ritalin for years, not knowing the side effects. Would you suggest I try CBD oil for him?
Hi Sameena. Thanks so much for your comment. I’m sorry to hear that the school is applying unwanted pressure to medicate your son. They don’t have the authority to force your son to take medication. That’s entirely your decision (and his).
I was the exact same way in school. I couldn’t focus on anything. And I still don’t know how helpful ADHD medication would have been while growing up. This is always a really difficult issue to crack.
I think that CBD oil can be a great option. BUT, a lot depends on your unique circumstances.
For example, depending on where you live, CBD oil may or may not be seen in a positive light (especially by your son’s school). If you live in a progressive state, there’s a chance that CBD oil could work out perfectly for your son’s situation.
But it’s definitely a complicated issue, and you’ll need to speak with a naturopathic doctor for more personalized guidance. There are just so many variables at play when it comes to helping ADHD children with school.
Here’s what I recommend for your son:
– Enroll him in competitive sports (this is unbelievably helpful for the ADHD mind)
– Switch schools if you can (it seems like this school might not be a great fit for him)
– Look into your state’s laws, and see how feasible CBD oil is for children in your local area
– Talk with a good naturopath if you need more personalized health recommendations for helping your son with his ADHD
– Reach out to Karen Lowry @ if you need more guidance surrounding ADHD and the school system (she knows how to deal with schools in these types of situations)
I wish you the best of luck going forward, and I truly hope that you’re able to help your son with a solution that you feel comfortable with.
My 8 yr old takes. a number of things for ADHD and sleep. We’d like to bring up the use of CBD oil to his provider what’s the best way of going about that? Is this a good supplement?
Hi Ladrena. Feel free to ask Naturopathic doctors about CBD oil. They should be able to help you lots, and give you the information that you’re interested in! Traditional doctors are much less inclined to talk about CBD.
Hi Stephan. My name is Colin Wright, I am 59 years of age and at the age of 57 I was finally diagnosed with ADHD. I have never had no one who I could relate to, and I still don’t. I really can understand what people are going through.
Thank you for your comment Colin, I completely agree, it was hard for me to find people I could relate to for a very long time as well. Sounds like you’re doing much better now though!
Hi Sameena, just wanted to let you know that I hear you;
My son is 14 and child services came to our home yesterday to discuss why my son has been skipping school the last 2 weeks.
They were kind but biass and discussed medication at the table. My son was enthusiastic thinking ritalin is a wonderpill!
I was very clear that I do not agree and think that there is something wrong with the schoolsystem if children need meds to be able to attend!
Unfortunately here in The Netherlands children are forced by law to attend a physical school building. ( together with Germany and North Korea the only country in the world where this is the case). My son was told yesterday that he will have to go to court and will have a criminal record and be punishes if he continues to skip school!)
I ordered CBD oil (500 mg) and started yesterday with 2 drops. He said he noticed immediately but that could be placebo of course.
I am also taking 2 drops to help me with menopause symptoms.
Will build up from here.
Next week my son also starts with neuro feedback. This has been taken out of the alternative treatments and is actually covered by our insurance for €1000 a year!
This may be interesting for you as well because scientific proof that it can be really helpful with ADHD ( I read 80% benefit but I am never too excited about numbers 😉 )
Also starting with the chiropractor next week. Also for myself and other son.
Can also be beneficial.
I had to wait until I found a better insurance. As a solo mom I couldn’t afford these treatments before.
I think it is shocking that our country that used to be so progressive is becoming more and more controlling and conservative.
I wish you the best in your journey to find what works for your son.
Hi Connie. I know your comment is intended for Sameena, but I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to leave your extremely helpful comment.
I appreciate you sharing your story here.
This is why I’m in favor of a major school reform/overhaul. The problem is with the structure of the entire school system. ADHD children need to have the option to use standing desks, move around, play more often, and partake in creative brain-based exercises (like painting, creating art, competitive sports, etc.)
The problem is with the schools, NOT children who need more autonomy and creative freedom.
There’s a big problem with the education system as a whole when 90% of children don’t look forward to going to school.
I totally agree with you! I am currently have a very hard time getting help for my 12yr old Son for homework and etc! We even have a 504 plan, but still no help! This is the second school that I have had these issues with and it frustrates me because its the child that suffers!
I tried my son on Aderall and he lost 14 pounds, became severly depressed and he was not the same, no interest in anything! I am really wanting to try the Cbd oil on him because seeing his everyday struggle in school is just hurting me inside!
How much do you reccomend for a dosage for a 12yr old?
Hi Sherri. Thanks so much for your comment. I’m really sorry to hear about your son’s school troubles. I wish you the best of luck with trying CBD oil for your son. I honestly haven’t done much research on using CBD oil for children, so I unfortunately can’t help you out much there. The best advice that I can give you is to get in touch with NuLeaf Naturals or Bluebird Botanicals before placing your order. I’m sure they’re asked that question all the time.
Hello Sherri
My 13 yr old son also has ADHD. I’ve also been very frustrated with the inability to find a more natural approach to help him with the ADHD symptoms which was negatively affecting his self esteem, his grades, relationships w his teachers and friendships at school.
So I took the same route as you with medications. I soon found ADHD meds caused very different
reactions. The first ones he tried (Adderall, Ritalin) also gave him the same side effects of being zombie-like & weight loss. So we found a liquid form called Qillivant XR which was wonderful! He didn’t have any of those side effects, except just a little less hungrier than usual but overall the same person. He’s been in this for over a year. He’s doing very well in school, has lots of friends and overall a happy kid. As a mom we all want the best for our kids but Sometimes we can only work with what we have…for now. I’m always on the lookout for new options that come out. In the meantime
If you are still on this journey, I suggest your son try all the diff brands so see how he reacts but don’t give up!
I totally agree with you, before we moved my daughter was going to a Waldorf School and they make education really fun for children
I LOVE the educational philosophy of Waldorf schools. They’ve created an amazing system…and they just “get it”.
My daughter is 8 and has horrible focus issues… takes weeks for her to complete assignments at school and even then they aren’t finished. We are seeing a holistic counselor. Can CBD oil be used in a diffuser and would it still help that way?
I would not use CBD oil in a diffuser Kimberly. I don’t think that would be effective, unfortunately. Can you ask your holistic counselor about the best way to utilize CBD for your family?
Well said from a mom with a child who has ADHD. I’ve modified her diet and removed artificial food dyes and preservatives. It helped but CBD oil is next on our list. That and for my chronic pain, I’m hoping to be able to cut back on man made pharmaceuticals.
So awesome to hear Skipper. Thank you so much for your comment.
Yes!!! Use it! I have my 9 yr old on it and have amazing results
How much did you start him out with and how much does he take now?
Also when did you start seeing results?
Hi. I too am her for researching for my son…
I hear what to do is give the person half their body weight in milligrams.
If your have a kid who weighs 50 lbs I think it would be 22.5 mg? Be sure to do a drop.. then two… then gradually move the dosage up or down a notch or two.. around half the body weight..
(I’m almost certain that is what I have read).
Oh my gosh, I’m so tired I totally mis-quoted that! Haha… 😆
Ok, for a 50 lb person half would be 25mg (obviously)
I’m looking into this for my 7 year old son and I’m wondering, like the others are, how much to start him out with and how frequently we’d have to up the dose?
I have an 8 year old daughter who’s Very intelligent, articulate, and smart, but she has a difficult time focusing and staying on track in class. Her teachers believe she’s ADHD and Dyslexic. I’m very opposed to putting her on medication as I don’t want any chemicals imbalancing her personality. What improvements have you seen with your child while using CBE Oil?
Hi, i just started my 8 year old who has adhd on this. What does are you giving your son and does it work right away?
What results are you getting? Started my 12 yrnokd who weighs 86 pounds on Gummies and we are seeing NOTHING! He is still on the go 24/7 and very mouthy
what strength did you use please
Hi. I’m in the same boat with my son. He’s been diagnosed with ADHD and we tried meds last year but they made him super depressed after two months. The school is pushing us to try meds again and I’m now going to try CBD oil starting after school tomorrow and keep a journal and log. We live in Ca so super easy to get. I’d try it before synthetic drugs for sure.
I’m also in CA, please let me know how this works for you as I’m looking into this for my 7 year old son, right now we’re at a loss, he’s on meds but they don’t seem to be helping at all and the doctors aren’t listening. There are currently 4 parents involved and I’m trying to get as much research together as I can to bring to the other set when I bring up this option as I know it’ll be needed.
I’m in Cali Also looking for relief for my adhd daughter that is 6 yo. Falling behind in school and unable to focus.
I would also try homeschooling…….
I have a child with ADHD if you take them off all Food color dyes as well this will help a tone with focusing issues and anger.
Hey, my son also has ADHD he is turning 6 years old and had become uncontrollable at school for both his teachers and class mates… the school pressured me to medicate and I have declined however I have started him on this drink which was recommended by paediatrics (I’m in the uk) and we also have a CBD which can be brought over the counter in one of our main stores.. with that combined he now has 3/5 ok days at school and doesn’t get sent home daily!
That is awesome Daniella…CBD can be a major help and it sounds like its working well for your family!
I have ADHD as well, and I kept saying “You get it” while reading this. You do get it. Not being able to force myself to do things I know I need to do, and also want to do; that’s the biggest obstacle I face. I notice a difference just ingesting hemp fiber and hemp hearts. I can only imagine how much better my life can be with CBD oil. You also nail it when you say being able to have health benefits without sacrificing mental clarity. That’s what I want. I’m an adult. I don’t want or need to “get high”. There are far worse things people can be doing other than weed, but I don’t want to sacrifice mental clarity. I stopped taking Focalin, and I hope this CBD oil is the key to my renewed health and mental well-being. I can already exercise better without worrying about an alarming heart rate that stimulants give. Thanks for writing this.
Thank you so much for the awesome comment Jason. I really appreciate your kind words in regards to this article.
ADHD is a huge pain, as you know, and I definitely feel like CBD oil “motivates” the ADHD mind, or something along those lines.
Either way, CBD oil relieves a LOT of the mental clutter that prevents us from just starting on projects, and getting things done.
And congratulations on switching from Focalin to CBD oil. I truly hope the switch works out well for you. I have a good feeling that it will, since you seem open-minded, and you have a positive attitude about trying effective natural remedies.
I know how you feel about exercising on stimulants. I was the same way when I was taking ADHD medication (worried about side effects). The good thing about CBD oil is that you have virtually nothing to worry about when taking it 99% of the time.
My son is 9 years old and has been on every ADHD medication that there is. We can’t seem to find one that doesn’t make him irritable or look drugged. I was told about hemp oil and am extremely interested in trying it for him. Is 9 too young? We live in Florida so I don’t know the rules and regulations but anything to help him would be beneficial. He suffers from extreme anxiety as well. He chews his hands and now has scars on his hand. I’m desperate to help him without medications. I have been giving him Omega 3 and a multivitamin. Please help!
Hi Kristin. Thank you so much for your comment, and I’m sorry to hear about your difficult situation with your son. I’m not experienced in using CBD oil for children, so I wish I could be of more help to you. However, I did find one study from PubMed that shows CBD oil was effective in treating a 10-year-old girl with severe anxiety and sleep problems. Like your son, the girl in this study wasn’t able to achieve full relief from pharmaceutical medications. But, CBD oil seemingly worked very well for this girl, who is about your son’s age. You can see the study here:
I’m just starting out researching CBD oil and while reading your article I was nodding through almost the whole thing. It’s like you’re in my head. Lol. I was originally just looking into it for my 7 year old son who I feel suffers greatly from ADHD and anxiety. We homeschool so I have a very good idea of where his concentration/motivation levels are and thankfully I don’t have school administrators urging me to medicate him, although I am certain if he were in public school they would be.
I’m interested to know if anyone has heard anything in reference to Tourette’s and CBD oil. I have Tourette’s, OCD, anxiety, depression, ADHD. I find that most prescriptions I have tried affect me to a major degree. I’ve been self medicating by smoking since junior high. As an example, I tried Wellbutrin (to help me quit) and within an hour was ticcing like crazy and it lasted for an entire day. Does the oil affect Dopamine or Serotonin levels? Anyone?
(I’m just so excited to have found an article and comment feed that’s recent. Seems like every time I find an interesting page the comments are a million years old and no one will reply.)
Hi Christine. Thank you so much for the awesome comment. That’s really cool to hear that you homeschool. That’s exactly what I plan on doing when I have a kid. Yup, it’s always nice to be able to make decisions for your family without having to deal with external pressure.
CBD oil works on the 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) serotonin receptor. This is where the anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects come from. CBD also works on the vanilloid and adenosine receptors. The adenosine receptors release dopamine, so this is why you might feel the burst of “motvation” and “reward-seeking” when you use CBD. So yes, it seems like both serotonin and dopamine are at play.
I can confirm that CBD oil works great when it comes to anxiety, ADHD, and depression (based on personal experience) – but I’m honestly not too sure about Tourette’s. I would imagine that CBD oil helps with tic attacks, and a quick Google search shows plenty of benefits that people with Tourette’s can gain from CBD.
I’m happy you found my article! Thank you for reading 🙂
P.S. I self-medicated by smoking in high school too. It’s much more common than most people think.
hi adhd boss i dont know youre name
i d like to be able to message you for some advise or information to help my daughter
i am so worried about her right now. do you have an email address please
Hi Elizabeth. While I appreciate you reaching out to me, I encourage you to take your daughter to a high-quality doctor for the very best results.
I’d love to know if CBD helped Christine and what dose was effective for each condition. My (adult) son also has OCD, ADD, Anxiety, and mild Tourettes. I’ve just ordered some and it would be great to hear about her experience.
I’m in the same situation. Bluebird Classic at 5 drops before school has helped my son with focus. Awesome results. No bad side effects.
That’s so awesome to hear that the CBD oil is working for your son Shelle 🙂
Hi Shelle. Did the CBD oil last all school day with your son? My son is better (well to some degree) in the morning and completely goes down hill in the afternoon.
I have a son who is 8 with ADHD. He also has major problems learning. He’s in 3rd grade but at a 1st grade reading level. I’m wondering if CBD can help him learn better, remember what he learns as well. If so I would really like to try CBD. We live in Colorado so I can start him on this if I can get some more reviews on this subject.
Hi Jennifer. Thank you very much for your comment.
First of all, since you’re located in Colorado, you’re basically spoiled with options when it comes to CBD oil 😉
I’m not too familiar with your local laws, but I bet that you’ll be able to safely help your child by giving him a few drops of CBD oil to try.
CBD interacts with dopamine receptors. Dopamine plays a big role in motivating your child, and possibly helping him engage with the learning process.
I write a LOT about dopamine on this blog, because ADHD primarily comes down to a lack of dopamine production in the brain.
So, what I’m saying is that there’s a chance that CBD oil will motivate your child to learn. I obviously can’t make any promises, but I do think it’s worth a try. At the very least, your son will probably score some extra health benefits.
I came here because im considering cbc oil for my 9y old daughter. I must say i really like your blog, so many great articles, great job really!
As for the school pressure, I have been there too, For my daughter since second grade, but I refused then and changed schools, and things actually got better. I think it’s really frustrating for kids with adhd to feel pressured at school to be like everyone else, and to fit “perfectly” i personally dont need my daughter to be petfect i just need her to be herself, happy and succesfull in something she loves and i wont medicate her just because i feel intimidated by the continual pressure from people who are pro-medication.
At the current school, kids are given more “space” to be themselves and differences are celebrated, As opposite to being treated like “robots” in the previous school.
Last year the teachers she got were against medication, this year one of her teachers is pro medication ( just because it worked for her daughter) I think it’s NOT ok to push medication on parents and that teachers need to stay impartial…just saying that school opinion about whether or not to medicate is really relative and although i feel pressured, I somehow manage to ignore all the speeches she gives me about how wonderful medication is(because it worked for her daughter). I be tried medication myself as an adult and although it helped me I still have mixed feelings about it especially for kids. I don’t judge ppl who choose to Medicate but I wish they respect my choice not to and carry on with their lives 😄 either ways, it’s a tough choice… also I feel its important to ask yourself why I’m making that choice, it gives you a hint of the motivation behind it.
i live in Canada so I dunno how is the situation regarding cbd oil but im gonna give it a try 🙂
Thank you so much for your comment Imen.
That’s great to hear that you’re considering CBD oil for your daughter.
It sounds like you have a great relationship with your daughter, and you have a really awesome outlook on helping her be who she is.
Very cool to hear that you found a good school for her too! You sometimes have to fight hard to find a good schooling situation for your kids. Luckily, it seems to have worked out well for you and her.
Great job standing up to pressure, by the way.
And I definitely agree that the decision to medicate is always relative. You’ve nailed it perfectly.
I’m not sure about the CBD oil situation in Canada either, but I have a feeling that most Canadians will be understanding of the benefits of CBD oil.
I am looking into options for my 11 year old son. He currently takes Concerta and I am curious if cbd oil can be taken alongsie adhd medications? I would love any info! Thank you!
Hi Sarah. Yes, CBD oil is almost always synergistic with ADHD medication. It helps to balance out the “edgy” feeling that you sometimes get with taking ADHD medication. They work really well together in my experience.
Can you take them (CBD and Concetta) at the same time or do you space them out?
It depends on your goals Michelle.
CBD oil is very calming in my opinion, so I prefer to use it at night before going to sleep.
I find this to be the best time to take CBD oil!
My son is 8 and was diagnosed with ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) and ADHD.
How long does the CBD oils seen to last in your system? I really want to try one of these products, but if a repeat dose is needed in the afternoon, I’m not sure my physician will be on board to sign the release. The school requires a release.
He is better in the morning, to some degree, and completely goes down hill in the afternoon. He is sent to the principal’s office daily and usually several times a day. He is a great kid but his brain is overpowering his ability to make the right choices and focus on school work. They are threatening to hold him back because of this.
He has been on several behavioral meds but these made him a zombie… The school liked him when he was a zombie. Better control for them. My husband and I finally said no more.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and advice.
Hi Kristen. Thank you very much for your comment.
If your son does OK in the morning, I think that a single dose of CBD oil in the afternoon could satisfy his brain’s craving for dopamine, and help him make it through the rest of the school day.
The only way to know for sure is to test it out, and see how your son likes it!
Like you said, if you think that your physician would only sign off on one dose, that’s much better than nothing.
As an adult, I feel the effects of CBD oil for at least a few hours. I dose once or twice per day.
I’m assuming that children feel the effects of CBD oil even moreso than adults, but I’m honestly not too knowledgeable in this area.
I’d love for someone to chime in and explain how well CBD oil works for their child.
Hi, I had the same problem with my son. When he was in kindergarten, the school caked me in to talk o me about my son’s behavior. They said that he was expelled if I don’t take him to a doctors and get him on medication. I had to take him to the doctors or homeschooling. I would of loved to homeschool, but I work the 9-5 and by the time I get home I have to do a million other things. But anyways, the doctor put my son on adderall, he’s been on it for 10 years now. He hates it and he gives me a hard time on taking it now. It gives him bad headaches, I even reduced the mg. There is a 100% difference when he is on it, but with him not wanting to take it his grades are being affected. I have been researching for home remedies for it, and I just started researching CBD oil. I am going to have to give it a try and see where it goes. Thanks for this informative information.
Thank you so much for your comment Jean. I appreciate you sharing your son’s experience with the community here.
I completely understand your need to work a 9-5 rather than homeschool. That’s a totally normal challenge that most people face.
I truly hope the CBD oil helps your son! It sounds like he’s ready for a positive change, and luckily CBD oil is a healthy home remedy to try.
So. My son was diagnosed at the age of 4 with ADHD, ODD, and Borderline Intellectual Functioning. He will be turning 6 in March. He has been on medications for a little over a year now.
We started out on Vyvanse. It didn’t help, we kept having to up the dosage, at one point the State Insurance that we have denied covering it due to his young age and high dosage.
We have since been switch to Intuniv for ADHD and Trileptal for ODD. We have had to mess with dosages and things like that was well BUT I feel like these are helping much more than the Vyvanse ever did.
With that being said my son is now becoming mean to children at school. Every single day at school he is hitting, punching, throwing rocks, spitting, not listening, not sitting, not doing work. Today aline he has punched a kid in the face for no reason, refused to do his work, and throw a rock at another child after repeatedly pushing him down. He has football tackled children in the hallways and just many, MANY other things.
He was kicked out of Pre-K for less dramatic behaviours last year, and this year we have an IEP (Individual Education Plan). He is about to be going “half days” at school because of this. Next step would be he can only attend school between 2pm and 3:30 pm. NOT an option for a single mother trying to keep a job.
He goes to counseling every Monday after school. We have appointments every month in regards to his medication. Which is going to be coming up soon. I was thinking about mentioning this to his counselors/ prescribing psychologist during that appointment. I’m not sure how my state (Oklahaoma) is with thus kinda stuff, I’ve only just started my research on this.
But after this big, long rant… My question I guess is: Are there non-THC CBD oils that would be within a budget? I don’t see this type of thing being covered by insurance. Lol.
Thanks so much for sharing your story with us Ashley.
I went to college in Oklahoma, so I know how strict the laws there can be lol. You’ll definitely want to double-check the CBD oil laws in Oklahoma.
But, you’re right that non-THC CBD oil should be a great option. I think you can find some within a budget, if you’re willing to do some searching on the internet.
By the way, have you tried enrolling your son in sports? He’s right around the age where he can start playing team sports, and that should help him a lot.
We use Hemp bombs brand cbd gummies for my 7 year old son. He gets 1/4 of a gummy bear. It works well and there is 0% thc. We just bought the 300mg cbd oil through Hemp bombs brand will be trying it tonight to see how he does on it. It is also 0% thc. Serving size is 1/2 dropper (I’m guessing that is dosage for an adult) so we will try like 2 drops to start as he is 60lbs and definitely don’t want to overload him.
Gummies did not work for my son so I just ordered oil… he is 12 and weighs 86 pounds… Very very mouthy!
I just want to send you hugs & strength Mama. It’s so hard watching our kids struggle. Dr. Ross Green says kids do well if they CAN. I’m still trying to unravel my son’s challenges. Good luck with yours <3
Get him off the intuniv. I had the same aggressive behavior develop after a month or so. I’ve been through 3 different meds since beginning at 4.5 yrs. Adderall followed intuniv and caused major sleep issues and rebound when wearing off. We’ve now been on Focalin for close to 3 years and it seems to work well. However, I’d love to know if I could do CBD with his Focalin for the evening battle for homework and getting him relaxed for bed. We currently do melatonin to help him get to sleep easier. It’s a tough battle and any parent living with an ADHD child should be commended. It takes more effort in parenting than other parents experience and at times can be joyless. Perhaps I need some CBD oil myself!
This was a great article and the way you describe yourself is exactly how my 20 year old son is. We struggled through school but got through it with medication. I fought giving into the medication until he was about 11 years old, but it became the only way he could focus and get through school.
I have a friend who has tried CBD for her son with anxiety and is seeing results. I did not realize until reading your article that my son too has anxiety and I know he will benefit from CBD Oil. We are going to give it a try!
Thanks so much for the kind words Pam.
There’s nothing wrong with using ADHD medication when needed!
I wish you and your son the best of luck with CBD oil 🙂
This was a great read, I’m turning 35 on Nov30 and still struggling with ADHD but as a kid in the 80s my parents didn’t know what was best and was taken to see different doctors every other month to calm me down and to help focus as I got bad grades in rsp classes all my life, I was told that only a person that has ADHD will only understand ADHD if u don’t grow out of it by your 20s you’ll have it forever as I do, my memories are bad I’m always paranoid, bad at managing money but I’m great at building $3000 custom gaming PCs, go figure I love tech lol but I’m really smart but have trouble focusing on things I don’t like, like for instance math or listening to others, but recently got a medical card and realized that the higher the thc the more hyper I get like coffee my mom gave me coffee as a kid to help me sleep caffeine does the opposite for me cause that’s how my brains wired but the thc gives me way to much energy my mind is already bouncing off the walls as it is I don’t need that, but what i need is calm focus and alert awake and not paranoid I want to give cbd oil a try I live in Ca and I want to work again I miss working but worried Can I even work in Ca on cbd oil and work with my ADHD and keep a job and be completely legal and safe ???????
Thank you for the comment Jay. I really appreciate you leaving your thoughts on here.
I’ve actually heard quite a few people say that they feel hyper after using THC. That’s really interesting to me.
And yes, you’re definitely right about how coffee helps some people with ADHD fall asleep.
California is a great state for using CBD oil. But, if you need to work, then I’m not so sure if now is the right time for you to use CBD oil. You might want to secure a job and pass any potential drug tests before using CBD oil.
Of course, there will always be jobs that don’t drug test (especially tech start-ups), so that’s something you could look into.
This is really helpful. Bluebird was what I am looking at for my 10yr old who is both gifted and adhd. We struggle daily with impulse control and emotional regulation issues, extreme inability to focus (as in if I get literally 1min its impressive), some behavior issues, etc. We have literally tried dozens of natural solutions with no results. He eats a very clean vegan diet, does swim team 2hrs a day, is homeschooled so no school pressure, plays outside, has always been screen free – tried yoga, therapy, a whole range of different homeschool techniques, various supplements, and way more than that. I tried a form of CBD that did nothing and I found out its not a good one. So here I am trying to find something that WORKS for him, at least well enough to avoid meltdowns all the time and to help him focus long enough to get a little work done each day without it taking 10 hours.
Do you know anything about companies like “hempworx” and how those compare? Or should I just go for the bluebird? I saw they have a “trial pack” with their 3 different versions and its guaranteed so I was thinking of doing that.
Hi Leigh-Ann. Thanks so much for the comment!
It sounds like you’re taking amazing care of your young one with ADHD. Great job.
I personally haven’t heard of Hempworx. But, Bluebird offers some great CBD oil, so they’re a pretty safe bet IMO. Of course, you’re welcome to do your own research, and choose whichever CBD oil you think works best for your son.
Hi ADHD Boss,
I got some CBD oil for my son (315mg) but I’m not it sure how much how to give him. He weights 70lbs. II’ve noticed he gets very talkative the few times I gave him the CBD oil (10 drops). Do you know how much I should give him? Could it be that the Oil is doing the opposite and not calming him? He can’t focus in class 🙁. Too many complaints from his teacher.
Thank you
Hi Jessica. Thanks so much for leaving your comment on here.
While I would love to help you, I’m not in a position to offer any type of medical advice (legally speaking).
Please speak with a Naturopathic doctor for the best results. Or, you might try calling the CBD oil company that you bought the oil from, and asking them. They might tell you.
Either way, thanks again, and I hope you get some answers soon.
Thank you for putting this website together. My grandson is 7 and has adhd, spd and severe anxiety. He has been on adhd meds for 4 yrs. I being a 3 time cancer survivor know cannabis works. Through your page it confirms what I always knew that there was natural help out there. My grandson does well on focalin xr for about 4 hrs of the school day, they talked me into a mid day dose which I will be stopping as soon as my bluebird product arrives. Thank you so much
Hey Beth. Congratulations on beating cancer 3 times. You’re a champion. And thank you so much for your comment.
Hi adhd boss, thanks for such a great article. Looking into this for my teen with adhd. The price difference between nuleaf and bluebird is quite significant, but I felt your review sounded like you preferred the results of nuleaf; is that the case, or was bluebird as effective as nuleaf? It’s been hard to compare the two because nuleaf says their products contain 50mg/ml of cannabinoids, but I can’t find the same info on bluebird website to compare; any idea how the concentrations compare? I’m just starting my research, so not very knowledgeable. Thank you!
Hi Jen. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on here.
NuLeaf and Bluebird are both solid companies. You can’t really go wrong with either of them.
But yes, I feel that the quality of NuLeaf is a little higher, and the effects feel “cleaner”. Does that make sense?
I totally agree that the products can be difficult to compare, because the measurements appear different.
NuLeaf only sells a single type of full spectrum CBD oil. They just carry their CBD oil in multiple sizes. So, NuLeaf is really easy to figure out.
For Bluebird, you only need to focus on their extracts and concentrated extracts. Bluebird’s extracts are comparable to all of NuLeaf’s offerings. But, Bluebird’s concentrated extracts are the strongest CBD oils that I’ve tried (your teen probably wouldn’t need something this strong).
In my opinion, you’ll probably want to choose between one of NuLeaf’s products or one of Bluebird’s regular extracts (not concentrated).
Just let me know if you have any other questions, or feel free to get in touch with the companies themselves if you need even more help. They’re both pretty friendly.
Thank you so much for this article. I’m looking into giving my 7 year old CBD oil for her ADHD. She is currently on Adderall and isn’t responding well to it. I have heard great things about CBD oil. My question is (and I know everyone is different) I don’t know how much to give her and what signs to look for. I’m looking into getting the 500mg tincture off CBD Distillery and giving her like 1 or 2 drops. But how do I know it’s enough? How do I know when to increase it? I’m so confused because as of yesterday I knew absolutely nothing about CBD.
Hey Samantha. Thanks so much for leaving your comment on here.
While I wish I could help you out, I can’t provide medical advice (I’m not a doctor).
Please find a good naturopathic doctor who you trust, and ask her for guidance.
I was recently in touch with a naturopath who recommended CBD oil, so there are many NDs out there who will be more than happy to help.
I was wondering if you would be willing to also try Green Mountain’s CBD oil and compare it to the other two that you recommend. It is smaller company out of Vermont, and I read some good reviews on Reddit. I just do not have the money to experiment with different oils, and since you have already used the other two recommended oils, I would love to hear what you think about the effects of Green Mountain’s.
I’d love to do that. I’ll shoot them an e-mail.
I am purchasing the nlue nird 250 mg cbd oil for my 6 1/2 yr. old. In your opinion, how many drops should I start with? Shr is ADHD with anxiety.
BTW, I love tja t I have found you! We were up against pharmaceuticals for her and we do not want to take the route unless absolutely necessary. We are hoping this will help.
sorry…auto correct
Blue Bird!
Try a few drops for her Jennifer. That should do the trick 🙂 See how she feels, test, experiment, etc.
Thanks for reading!
Hello. My name is Kristie and I have a 10 year old son with Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as ADHD and learning disability. For the last 2 years, he has been on medication to help with his ADHD during school. This did help some, but also came with some side effects that were less than desirable. He had little to no appetite and as a result, weight loss as well as fatigue. His personality was certainly different with the medication, he usually is a very vibrant child and while the medication helped with hyperactivity, it also took away his happy personality. Because of this and after research, I decided to give water soluble BioCBDplus a try. For the last 2 weeks, he has only used this and his teachers say he is equally attentive with this as compared to his previous prescription medication. He is also eating well and back to his usual happy self. I am very pleased with the results so far and wanted to share our success. – Kristie
Thanks Kristie.
My son at age 4 just got put on adhd meds today so I have not administered to him and looking at the side affects of them scares me since he’s so young. I have encountered him physically starting to harm himself and feel helpless and heard about cbd oils to help with calming ECT. For his condition I do know it’s legal in my state but I’m nervous as to ask his Dr about trying this and there opinion I feel like a lost mother rite now and I honestly don’t know were to start or what to as if idk if there’s effects to giving cbd to a child so young I can use all the advice I can get.
Hi Andrea. You should absolutely speak with a Naturopathic or traditional doctor about CBD oil. You mentioned that CBD oil is legal in your state for his condition, so why not give it a try? It sounds like you’re on the right path!
My adult son suffers from ADHD but has managed to get a good hands-on job and is nearly finished with his vocational level degree in Automotive Technology. He still struggles to focus, but many of his daily tasks are repetitive which he “super excels at.” However, he struggles to get to sleep. many evenings he is up until 2-4am and not able to wind down and get to sleep.
What effect does CBD oil have on the ADHD patient’s ability to get to sleep?
concerned dad
CBD oil works incredibly well for sleep Mike. It’s a great complement to one’s lifestyle, especially for getting rest at night.
Thank you for this site and all the insightful articles.
I wasn’t diagnosed until age 50.
The struggle is real. I screw up at work and later, when I look at what I did, I can’t even fathom what I was thinking! Lately it’s become worse because I feel trapped in a dead end job where creativity us frowned upon. My depression is worse. I don’t sleep through the night. My kids have problems. I worry too much. I would love to try CBD oil, but my employer has a zero tolerance policy and I’d be fired if I tested positive for THC.
I wanted to also add that my niece is an educator and has had good luck in the classroom using essential oils for some of her students. One little boy inparticular was completely out of control until she began using the oils in a diffuser. Now he requests the oils before he takes a test because it calms him down so much that he’s able to sit still and get through it without having to jump up and go to his ‘activity space’ during the test.
Again, thanks for all the great info.
That’s amazing to hear myrtle, thank you for commenting. I truly hope you find some solutions that help with your stressful lifestyle. Wish you could try CBD honestly.
I have a 10 yo son with ADHD, who is currently taking concerta 36mg (stimulant) and intuniv 2mg . I feel like we have tried everything out ins will pay for. Recently our neurologist recommended behavior therapy for my son due to concerns with his anxiety and self critical way of thinking. I wonder if the oils will help with the anxiety which seems to be the biggest hurdle for us right now. My question is, do you continue to use your ADHD meds, while using the oils??
Hi Amanda! I no longer use ADHD medication but I’ve heard from multiple people who take ADHD medication and CBD oil as well (using them both at the same time). People seem to achieve great results with both!
My Daughter is 20 and is still struggling with adhd. I stopped medicating her a number of years ago because the side effects were worse than the benefits. I am interested in trying CBD oil for her but I saw that it could show up on drug test. Is that for both brands that you recommended? Does one have less chance than the other of showing up on a drug test? She will be starting a new job pretty soon and I don’t want it to jeopardize that. Is there another alternative that will not show up on a drug test? Thanks for your help.
Hi Beatriss. Because CBD oil contains a negligible amount of THC, there’s definitely a chance that it can show up on a drug test. I’m not sure if there’s a way to work around this, as I haven’t researched this aspect of CBD oil. I’m curious to know as well!
Hi there –
I found your website while googling for information on managing my ADHD and I really appreciate all the information you’ve taken the time to blog about! I am a frequent visitor 🙂
Do you think CBD oil can help me with verbal tics and disjointed speech. I currently take Vyvanse but just recently noticed the new developments with my speech. It’s quite anxiety inducing and so it exacerbates my speech even more. Any help or direction will be great.
Eta, thanks so much for leaving your comment on here. I haven’t deeply researched whether CBD can help with tics, but I encourage you to experiment with CBD, and report back on your findings. Even anecdotal evidence can be useful at times.
I’m hesitant on starting my 13 yr old son on cbd oil. I know it would help. A lot of it has to do with his father. I don’t know how he would feel. He’s against pot. Don’t know about cbd oil. I don’t like taking pills. I don’t like my son taking pills. He’s been taking vistril and clonidine for 5 yrs to sleep. I just may test it over the summer.
CBD oil has nothing to do with pot, because CBD oil contains a negligible amount of THC. There’s no “high” feeling, just positive benefits (in most cases).
Definitely give it a try over the summer, and make sure that you choose a high-quality source of CBD!
It’s certainly very interesting I have adhd and I’m a successful adult and my hyper activity area made my business fortunes, however. I am poor at listening, butting in and task swapping and to a degree getting starting but once I do nothing can stop me like a machine. I have started to use CBD 6% 600mg 10ml bottle in Uk, I believe a strong supplement at £40! Add 3/5 drops to my 2ml tank with my chosen flavour and no grey area a change in state of mind is immediate and no brain fog, dramatic reduction in anxiety interesting future…
Thanks for your comment Paul that’s awesome to hear that you managed to build a successful business through hyperactivity. I’m really happy to hear that. Can you share more of your success story with us?
Hi there. I take 10 mg of Adderall 2x per day. Have you heard any information about using CDB oil in conjunction with Adderall. Any change in effectiveness or any interactions you have heard of?
Nope I haven’t heard of any change in effectiveness or interactions, but it’s best to ask your doctor just to be safe!
First up, I have never used CBD, but after reading this, I will.
This is a long post, but the main point I wish to make is this:
It’s great to see all of the comments from parents who are taking an active role in their children’s health. I wish I’d had that kind of support when I was a kid.
Credit to you all.
I’m a 49-year-old Australian (don’t blame me, somebody has to look after the barbecues, beers and beaches) who has just discovered (maybe 2 weeks ago) that I have ADHD. Better late than never, right? Possibly.
My apologies for tacking myself onto this American website, but good resources are hard to find. Anyway, we supported you guys in the battle of the Coral Sea, New Guinea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, so time to share the love.
When I was young, I knew there was something wrong, but I had no idea what it was. As far as I was concerned, and backed up by the feedback from teachers, parents, peers and pretty much anybody else, I was lazy, stupid (at times), socially inept, unfocused, daydreaming, all of that.
The fact is, nobody knew much about ADHD in those days, or at least they weren’t talking about it. My Dad was a doctor, who had worked at one time in mental health. My Mum was a nurse who had studied psychology. Neither of them knew much about ADHD, and certainly didn’t consider it in my case.
In my life, I have seen doctors, child psychologists, adult psychologists and psychiatrists, counselors, all the fruit. Not one of them ever hinted at ADHD. None of them were even remotely interested in diagnosing my condition. The best I got was some Lovan for depression. The worst I got was ridicule and humiliation.
To a large degree, I hid the symptoms from others, even from myself. I just wanted to be a normal kid and thought it was some failing of my own that made me lazy and stupid.
It helped (or hindered) that I am of above average intelligence.
We traveled around a lot when I was a kid. I went to more schools than I can count.
In some schools, I was firmly at the bottom of the class. I didn’t fit in, and would just daydream my life away, with no effort by the teachers to help me engage. Too hard.
Other schools were better for me. I’d fit in reasonably well and would be at the top of the class. It was easy to sit in class, daydream, and just spit out the right answer without any serious thought.
But that ability made me truly lazy. I learned that I could get by without working hard. Easy enough until the last couple of years of high school. Due to the increasing complexity of the material, I was less able to just throw the problems around in my head and come up with a solution. But by then, I didn’t have the organisational skills that most kids develop. I didn’t know how to show the working for quadratic equations. I didn’t know how to structure my study, or do homework.
I suffered from anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, risky behaviours, all the good stuff.
I barely graduated high school, even though I was in the top 1% by IQ.
Everybody else seemed to do much better than I could, much more easily.
I managed to get into university when I was 19 by sitting an alternative test for adult admission, which was based more on generic intelligence than on book learning. Honestly, if I’d known about that back door before, I possibly could have completely bypassed those last two horrific and counterproductive years of high school, and just read a few books that I was actually interested in. Hyperfocus can be a really useful tool when applied correctly.
Anyway, I dropped out of university after 3 years of good marks it. It was common for me to be getting some of the highest marks in my classes, after writing up the assignments at the university tavern, starting a few hours before class, and ending half an hour after trhe class started, with me walking in late three quarters drunk. I basically melted down, and could not function. A combination of major depression, social isolation, too much weed, too much beer or cheap wine in a box, financial crisis, and complete brain freeze when it came to certain assignments. The plan was to take time off, and come back to it. Never happened.
I went to technical college a few years later. Aced it again. And then dropped out again a few months from the finish line.
As a kid, I was always interested in aviation. I was certain that I would join the Royal Australian Airforce as a pilot. This was certain. Until my head imploded in highschool. Then that was completely out of the picture. I couldn’t afford the high cost of training myself to become a civil pilot, so I turned my back on the whole idea, and never thought of it again.
Until I was about 33. I had no plans, no future, no hope. I was working as a telemarketer for peanuts (yes, one of those annoying scumbags). I pushed into a more lucrative sales position, which then evolved into setting up and managing the research department for the company I worked for (a perfect job for an ADHD person, until I finally got bored and self-sabotaged that as well).
At this point, I figured I was earning enough to justify starting flying training.
I started the lessons and loved it. Flying gave me purpose and a sense of pride. The exams were very, very difficult to study for. But because I was motivated, I pushed so hard, through the pain barrier, and managed to get through all of them up to the commercial pilot’s license exams. I really had to work hard for those. I was sweating blood, but managed to get good (even great) passes.
When it came to the flight test that would give me my license (ten years after I started!!!!), I fluffed it. By this point, I was burnt out. I’d spent around AU$100,000, and I had nothing left. My fiancee at the time went balistic when she found out I’d spent all of our money. Even though it was my dream, and I was only two flights away from completion, I pulled the pin on my flying career. In hindsight, I should have pulled the pin on my fiance instead, as everything with her fell in a heap shortly afterwards.
And there are facets of my ADHD that do not go so well with the requirements of flying. I was working in the industry already, and was respected, in a non-flying role.
Doing the ADHD thing, I went in a completely different direction.
I took up a traineeship in the mining industry, the predominant industry in the part of Australia where I live.
It’s an industry where a high school failure can still get a six figure income. But there is a price to pay, always a price.
The mining industry can be dangerous. I have routinely worked with poison gasses, high strength acids, carcinogenic compounds, physical and mental fatigue, big machines that can rip you apart like a Doberman having a bad day.
There is a higher percentage of what the professionals in Australia would call ‘wankers’ in this industry, and it’s a daily effort to not punch somebody in the face as a matter of course. Luckily I’m not a violent person.
Once again, certain parts of my ADHD make it difficult, even dangerous for me.
I typically work 12-14 hour days or nights continuously for a number of weeks, come rain or shine (freezing, or over 120F at times), and then get some time off. Typically two weeks on, one week off. I hate it, but it pays the mortgage.
So back to the beginning now. At 49 years old, I finally have some idea about what my problems are, and how to deal with them. After 49 years of failure, distress, waste of potential, ruined relationships and total, mind-numbing confusion, there is light at the end of the tunnel. While I have not been formally diagnosed yet, after researching ADHD, and comparing the symptoms with my own… I am now 3000% certain that ADHD is my bag. It ticks 80% of my boxes. I’ve probably got a few other loose pieces of furniture rattling around inside as well, but ADHD is definitely the foundation of my problems.
Incidentally, when I finally made the connection (I’d never previously considered ADHD, as I didn’t consider myself hyperactive, so completely ignored ADHD, without any research on my part), I thought about other people I knew who appeared to have some similar symptoms. Like if you buy a Ford, for example, and then you start noticing the same car everywhere.
I put it to my Mum that she showed some of the same symptoms. This is the same Mum who previously I was upset at for not being able to diagnose me as having a problem when I was a kid, so I could have avoided much of the pain of my life.
Mum said “I’ve been studying myself for my whole life. If there is one thing I can say about myself, it’s that I am pretty well self-aware. I know pretty much what I am, and how I operate. I don’t have ADHD.”
A day later, she’d done some research, sat some online tests, much as I’d been doing for the previous week, and she called me back.
“I’m 80% sure I have ADHD”. She is 78 years old.
I suspect my Dad may have had some of the symptoms. He passed on a few years back, so it’s difficult to ask him. And like myself, he was brought up in a time where you just hid these things, and plodded on being a tough man who is never supposed to ask for help, or show any form of weakness. That is still true today, although it’s a fraction easier now. Still a long way to go.
I know my brother is somewhat munted by life, I don’t know if he has ADHD or if it’s something else. But I suspect that if I ask him, he will take it as a personal insult.
So… To all those parents posting here, you probably have no idea how life-changing your help can be. And if your kids have good days and bad days, please be aware that 49 years (or even 78 years) of bad days is much worse than the pain you see when you are helping your kids through this life.
Nobody is ever going to give you a medal, or write you up in the newspaper. Your kid may never even appreciate (or even know) what you have done for them.
Keep going.
Never give up.
And if all you ever get is a kiss on the cheek one time, be thankful that your kids don’t understand how thankful they should be for your help.
The catalyst for me finding out I had ADHD was my wife divorcing me a few weeks ago. I took a long, hard look at myself.
Before thgat point, I had pretty much given up on life. My aim was to keep sucking oxygen until it ran out, but the thoughts of just jumping over the balcony and calling it quits were increasingly very appealing to me.
Now I have hope.
Maybe your kids don’t know that you have given them hope, but you have. You never know what you’ve got until you lose it.
Keep going.
Never give up.
Cheers from Downunder. Drop by for a beer some time. Spring is nice here, and won’t melt your eyeballs.
Smoj (Simon)
You’re a beautiful writer Smoj. What an amazing comment. I swear you leave the very best comments on this website. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on here.
Thanks so much for all of your research on this and for kindly sharing this valuable info to help others.
I’ve had many challenges and recently learned that I have ADHD. I am in the process of learning more about this condition which describes me so well. I found your article very helpful and just ordered a bottle of NuLeaf CBD oil. I hope it can help me overcome some of my challenges as it has you!
Thanks again!
Thanks so much for your comment J. Enjoy the CBD!
Hi there,
I’m currently looking into cbd oil for my son who was diagnosed with ADHD last November at 16. He’s doing better now he’s on Concerta in terms of focus etc, but his anxiety still proves a real problem for him- particularly social anxiety. I’ve read numerous reports on how good CBD seems to be for this, but I’ve also read Concerta is one of the drugs CBD can interact with and increase/decrease the dosage of Concerta. Do you have any knowledge about this in particular? I will bring it up with his doctor, but I feel they will be reluctant to advocate it’s use.
Many thanks from the UK!
Hi C Barton. Please ask your doctor about this interaction for the best results. If needed, you can consult with a Naturopathic doctor who will probably be in a much better position to help you with CBD oil 🙂
My son is going to be three in November and I’m almost 100% positive he has ADHD (me his sister his dad along with family history have it) he has been having some major problems in daycare as far as not being able to focus can’t handle large groups he does fine with two or less people but over that its like he get anxiety he wont take naps he’s defiant won’t follow directions and no doctor I’ve found is willing to do at least an evaluation on him because of his age I’m considering cbd oil but I have no idea how to use it or if it would even be safe for him any advice would be much appreciated
Hi Kolby. Thanks for your comment! CBD oil is an amazing supplement, but it’s best if you chat with a doctor for specific advice regarding your son. You can also have your son tested for ADHD as well.
can you help me to get the best cbd oil for my daughters adhd
i heard that the hemp oil isnt as affective as the cannabis oil and also i knowe many shops sell cbd oil like holland and barrett and its useless
please can someone help me im very confused and cant afford to waste money
CBD oil absolutely can be a replacement for ADHD.
We’ve officially weaned our child off of Ritalin which she has been on for 2 years.
Our pediatrician suggested that CBD oil could help. Our daughter went from sickly, bony, and miserable to happy, healthy, gaining 11 pounds in 3 months.
We love our pediatrician so much but haven’t needed to see her in 6 months when we use to have to take her at least twice a month.
Our best friends son is officially weaned off of Adderall.
Researching a great pure organic CBD oil and trying it with the support of our pediatrician is single handedly the best thing we’ve ever done for our family.
I want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge, your passion, and your experiences with us. Today, was a “Devine Appointment” for me when I came across your article. I soaked up the information to better help my family and myself. Thank you for sharing. I am very grateful.
Thank you so much Tonya 🙂
I would like to try cbd oil for aniexty & depression. I currently am on 1mg xanex 4x day as needed. I take 40mg celexa. Could I take CBD oil & reduce my meds slowly?
How to sensibly buy LEGAL cbd oil? Because I got a letter saying customs has confiscated my package two times already and I’m pissed.
This is very odd Nathalie. I believe the regulations surrounding CBD have loosened up since it’s now 2019 and CBD shops are pretty much everywhere. Did you have any luck?
Kolby, we struggled to find the right preschool situation for my son and were thrilled that there were so many options–a highly structured, restrictive environment would have brought out all the worst in him and dampened all his natural curiosity and inquisitiveness. The school we ended up with was more easy going, creative, nurturing rather than authoritative and it was perfect for his protoADHD self. Could you look for other options that fit your son’s temperament better? Say, an inhome daycare with just a couple other kids or a place that allows him a greater measure of self-direction or a special corner to retreat to if the large group is overwhelming him and spurring him to act out? Our initial medical classification for our son was sensory processing disorder and that got us interventions from the beginning of school and therapies preschool–any one-on-one intervention with people trained to help with age group helps the kids to calm down and self-regulate and learn that there are adults/teachers who “get” them and are squarely in their court. At three years old, he seems much too young even for “natural” supplements, especially as a substitute for fine-tuning his environment. Good luck! BTW, my son was eventually classified ad ADHD but we gave him nothing but omega 3 starting in about 3rd grade and ritalin starting in about 7th grade. I’m researching cbd oil for him only now, at the age of 16. Good luck to you and your whole family!
My son is 6, and weighs 50lbs. How do I know how much oil to give him. I give him 1 valve this morning and I didnt see any changes. He is adhd/odd.