Last updated: December 22nd, 2019
ADHD VISION is temporary closed to new registrations…but we will re-open soon with a new and improved program.
Here’s the original article describing ADHD VISION for your reference…
I started ADHD Boss a few years ago as a casual blogger.
At the time I just wanted to investigate ADHD and share my findings with people because I had noticed so many conflicting patterns in my own life…

Why did I fail my math classes in school, while also making perfect grades in my creative courses like entrepreneurship and philosophy?
When I worked in a restaurant, how could I be such a dysfunctional waiter, then go home and build a wildly successful media website like ADHD Boss?
I had so many questions about how ADHD was influencing my present day life and most importantly my future life.
Luckily after a few years of blogging on ADHD Boss I found nearly all of the answers I was searching for…
These days, living the best life possible with ADHD mostly revolves around aligning my everyday habits and behaviors with the future vision that I create for my life…
Of course, I still have to make sure that my future life vision is 100% compatible with the way my ADHD mind works.
I won’t be teaching any math classes or waiting tables at restaurants in the near future.
But I will be traveling the world, changing my environment, and designing my life in a way that works with my ADHD mind.
After spending thousands of hours researching ADHD and testing what I’ve learned ~ I’ve figured out how anyone can create an incredible future life with ADHD.
I want to share my absolute best, most private insights with you…so that I can save you thousands of hours worth of mental pain, time and energy too.
ADHD VISION is Going To Change Your Life Forever (Guaranteed)

I spent most of last year exploring the world and focusing on personal growth and development.
I wanted to drastically change my environment and prepare for something big.
Now I’m back in Dallas, Texas and I have something extra special prepared for the readers of ADHD Boss.
I’ve created a step-by-step digital program that walks you through every aspect of living any future life you desire…even with ADHD.
I’ve taken all of my most private insights and personal strategies…and combined them to create ADHD VISION.
Since you’ve found this article, you’re invited to join my ADHD VISION program today.
Why ADHD VISION Genuinely Works For Any Person With ADHD

ADHD VISION is my digital training program that guides you from your current place in life to the absolute best future life that you can possibly imagine.
I’ve already spent thousands of hours figuring out what works and what doesn’t work when you have ADHD.
I’ve already done so much of the hard work for you.
I’ve already “connected the dots” and put the puzzle pieces in place for you.
You just have to study my methods and use them in real-life…to change your life…and create any future life you desire.
If you like what I’ve done with ADHD Boss, you’ll love ADHD VISION
For multiple years, ADHD Boss has helped tens of thousands of people live a better life with ADHD 100% free of charge.
Some of the content on ADHD Boss has been shared organically over 30,000+ times.
People tend to agree that ADHD Boss is a really, really good website.
At its core, ADHD Boss is essentially a blog-based business with a powerful social mission.
Did you know it’s possible to build an online business similar to ADHD Boss that actually helps people and allows you generate a significant income at the same exact time?
ADHD VISION dives deep into the exact strategies you can use to build an online business with a social mission similar to ADHD Boss, which helps you generate an income from anywhere in the world, while also helping people at the same time.
ADHD VISION gives you my best strategies for maximizing your freedom, creativity, entrepreneurial success and so much more.
People with ADHD are natural-born entrepreneurs (like myself) and this is why much of the ADHD VISION program revolves around helping you achieve tremendous success through entrepreneurship, health, relationships, lifestyle design and much more.
ADHD VISION Ultimately Helps You Embrace the Real-Life Behaviors that Lead You To Your Perfect Life Vision…Even When You Have ADHD
When I built ADHD VISION I wanted to make sure this program would help you create massive change that you can actually experience in real life.
Most importantly, I wanted to give you the step-by-step guidance that leads you to your ideal future life.
Because if you aren’t satisfied with where you currently are in life, you’re also heading down a path that will lead you to more of the same poor results in the future.
If you want to live the best life imaginable in the future, you have to start doing things much, much differently.
This is why ADHD VISION is perfect if you:
- Have issues with motivation and figuring out the best direction to move towards in life
- Don’t know why some aspects of life feel extremely uncomfortable and mentally painful, while other aspects of life feel easy and effortless
- Can’t foresee what your future life is going to look like (this one is especially dangerous)
ADHD VISION is for anyone with ADHD who wants to take control of their present-day life and create an incredible future life.
Whether you have ADHD yourself, or your child has ADHD, joining ADHD VISION today will help you:
- Discover your life’s vision
- Determine the real-life behaviors that actually lead you to your life’s vision
- Get your ADHD mind hooked on the everyday behaviors that lead you to your life’s vision (hack your brain chemicals)
- Achieve your life’s vision and enjoy the priceless gratification that comes with genuinely living your ultimate “dream life” that was once just a figment of your imagination
Keep in mind ADHD VISION revolves around taking action in real-life. This is why you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in our ADHD Mastermind as part of this program, and interact with a like-minded community of people who are also changing their lives for the best, just like you.
ADHD VISION is for people who want genuine change and real-life results.
ADHD VISION is Heavily Discounted for Early Beta Members Who Join The Program Today
ADHD VISION is currently available at a significant discount because ADHD VISION is still in “early beta testing mode.”
This means I’ll be asking for your feedback throughout the program in an effort to make the program even better in 2020 and beyond.
If you’re willing to give me some raw feedback throughout the program, I’ll give you a big discount when you sign up for ADHD VISION today.
The price to join ADHD VISION will increase substantially in 2020 once the program is out of beta testing mode and in its final form.
I recommend joining ADHD VISION today because this program is based on proven ADHD research and real-life results that I’ve achieved in my own life.
There’s literally nothing else like ADHD VISION out there.
ADHD VISION gives you all of my most private, best insights and systems that have allowed me to travel the world freely, run my online business from a laptop, live anywhere I want, wake up whenever I want, and do whatever I want. 24/7.
With ADHD VISION, you’re getting access to the same insights that have led to my personal success.
You won’t be able to find these insights publicly on ADHD Boss, or anywhere else for that matter.
ADHD VISION contains exclusive, original content that isn’t available anywhere else.
ADHD VISION is a private, members-only community.
But if you’re ready to change your present-day life so that you can change your future life…I want you to become a member of ADHD VISION today.
Discounted spots are still available to early beta members. Only a limited number of discounted spots are available.
I genuinely hope to see you inside.
Sad to have missed this, though I worry that I wouldn’t have been the best beta tester as I probably would have impulsively hit purchase & then promptly forgotten about doing so the next day for a week or maybe a month LOL, but it sounds amazing as I’ve felt very drawn in to this whole running your own blog you help others based in something I’m interested in. So, maybe next year (if I remember) I’ll check out the real deal 🙂
PS, part of the reason I will forget about this is because checking my email has never been something I do regularly LOL
so I was promised a wonderful program to help me and I said, “where do I sign?” “on which page will I give you my money?” Next page “Um sorry we’re closed. Have a nice day.” Man! Offer me a cookie and take it away! What a bummer! And I’M actually the kind of person that reads the books and does the exercises all so I can avoid doing the thing I was doing it for! I would have been a great student! lol That’s ok I’ll just keep getting up every morning to declare that this, THIS will be the day that I’ll clean off the kitchen table! If at first you don’t succeed, then try and try again! Maybe I’ll even finish filling out the job applications!
How can I get on a wait list? I would be happy to be a test monkey for you! Please let me know.
Hi Nick – I decided to make all the content of the course free (like the rest of the site). If I pivot to another course/book idea, I will be sure to keep you in mind!