Last updated: November 27th, 2019
Have you ever thought about how your life is really just a series of decisions you’ve made in the past?
What’s even more interesting is how you can look at the previous patterns in your life, assess these patterns, and ultimately change your future outcomes in life.
But of course, this concept of free will has long been debated…
Free will essentially means that people have the ability to make unique decisions which lead to unique future outcomes in life.
- But how exactly does this concept apply to people with ADHD?
- Do people with ADHD actually have free will?
This article explains why people with ADHD actually have more free will than the average human being.

First of all….who says free will is even a real thing?
As mentioned above, free will is a bit subjective and still open for debate.
For example, free will is real in that you can wake up tomorrow, hop on a plane to some remote tropical island, and live an entirely different existence.
This is a legitimate option for nearly anyone living in a relatively wealthy nation like the USA.
Therefore, you do have the opportunity to completely change your future outcomes as early as tomorrow…if you really wanted to.
However, 90% of people will encounter reactionary defense responses (created by the human brain) as to why it isn’t possible to just pick up and move.
Some of these reactionary defense responses include:
- Family
- Money
- Food
- Survival
- Home
These reactionary base human needs pop into people’s minds, and stop people from making drastic life-changing decisions.
Homeostasis also plays a major role in stopping you from making life-altering decisions, as the human body naturally wants to conserve as much energy as possible.
Can you see how changing your future outcomes in life is nearly entirely psychological?
At the end of the day, you do have free will…to a certain extent.
Free will exists to a certain extent because you can make decisions that lead to drastically different outcomes in your life.
But the problem is that 90% of human beings are repeating the same “mental scripts” over and over again, and making similar decisions…while expecting different results.
What’s it called again when people repeat the same processes while expecting different results?
If your life isn’t moving in a direction you like, you have to make drastic changes today
When you find yourself in a funk, it’s usually best to do the exact opposite of what you’re currently doing.
For example:
~ If you’re not investing much energy into your work, invest ALL of your energy into your work
~ If you’re not experiencing enough fun or excitement in your life, take an incredibly long vacation, and have as much fun as humanly possible
~ If you don’t like your current environment, change your environment completely
“Doing the opposite” sounds very contrarian.
However, “doing the opposite” is one of the only bits of cliche life advice that’s almost guaranteed to work!
Polarity is key…you have to exist on one of the “extreme spectrums” to fully reap the rewards of your decisions
When I built the core foundation of ADHD Boss a few years back, I mustered all of my strength and energy into making ADHD Boss the best ADHD website on the internet.
I was living like a hermit at the time. And it wasn’t very fun to be perfectly honest.
But I had to take extreme measures to get extreme results!
I created content for ADHD Boss non-stop for at least 8 to 12 hours every day.
After one year of doing this, I went on an adventure for about one year, and had the experience of a lifetime while traveling Europe.
I went from extreme work, to extreme adventure, and now I’m slipping back into extreme work mode again.
Your decisions really only matter when you commit to your decisions fully and see them all the way through.
You have to go all-in with your decisions, and give them all of your energy, all of the time.
Exercising extreme polarity is pretty much the only thing that works when it comes to getting great results from the decisions that you make.
The concept of “balance” or “moderation” almost always leads to mediocre results.
There is a time for balance and moderation…just not while you’re attempting to live the best life possible with ADHD.
Side note: I also wrote an article about how you can use an ADHD decision matrix that helps you make decisions with ADHD.
Why people with ADHD actually have more free will than normal people
When you have ADHD, you’re naturally driven to break society’s rules and do things a little bit differently.
People with ADHD have more free will than others because we literally need to create our own systems and dopamine-driven feedback loops that work for us…otherwise we can’t even function properly.
Having ADHD means that you’re destined to live life on your terms and create the future you truly desire, because you just can’t have it any other way.
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