Last updated: November 27th, 2019
When it comes to treating ADHD in 2020, you’re lucky to live in a society that gives you access to good medicine, quality food and excellent medical facilities.
You truly have plenty of amazing ADHD treatment options to take advantage of in the Western world. But, you still have to discover which ADHD treatment options work best for you (this can be sort of a lengthy process).
However, the ADHD treatments listed in this article are the best that I’ve personally used.
The following 7 adult ADHD treatment options will help you get your ADHD symptoms under control, and enable you to live a much happier, and more productive lifestyle with the condition.
1. Prescription medication
Prescription ADHD medication is the ADHD treatment option that people with ADHD are often most interested in.
If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, then prescription ADHD medication can be an excellent treatment option when used responsibly.
There are many ADHD prescription options available, such as:
- Adderall
- Adderall XR
- Vyvanse
- Ritalin
- Concerta
- Provigil (can be prescribed off label)
But, there are quite a few other ADHD prescription options as well.
It will ultimately be up to you and your doctor to decide on the prescription ADHD medication that works best for your mind and body.
2. Exercise
Exercise is one of the best natural ADHD remedies I’ve ever experienced.
Strength training, cardio, yoga and physical movement in general works extremely well as an ADHD treatment option, because exercise forces your brain to release ‘happy chemicals’ like endorphin, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.
In other words, working out makes you feel great, while also improving your health, and probably your ADHD symptoms as well.
If you aren’t exercising most days of the week, then you’re missing out on a truly life-changing treatment for ADHD.
3. Over-the-counter performance enhancers
Over-the-counter (OTC) performance enhancers are any type of dietary supplement, beverage or natural ingredient that can help you better manage your ADHD symptoms.
I prefer natural OTC performance enhancers, because I tend to side with nature when it comes to food and dietary supplement safety.
But, I have to admit that I’ve gone as far as sampling a range of synthetic nootropics (‘smart drugs’) while in college, in order to study for exams.
Today, I prefer to take relatively safe ADHD performance enhancers like…
- Zip fizz (Amazon) – This stuff is amazing for studying, or for accomplishing work
I’ve treated my ADHD symptoms with caffeine and vitamins for years, and managed to get by OK.
For best results, I recommend trying a variety of OTC performance enhancers, and creating a “stack” of ingredients that works best for your body.
Side note: My personal stack right now consists of espresso coffee, a men’s food-based multivitamin, N-A-C, fish oil, milk thistle, and too many other natural performance enhancers to list. Since I’ve been taking a break from Vyvanse, I’ve been going heavy on other ingredients that can safely and naturally stimulate my ADHD brain.
4. Medicinal foods
People have used food as a source of medicine for thousands of years.
There are plenty of amazing foods with medicinal properties such as beets, pomegranates, all-natural goji berries (Amazon), kale, salmon, eggs and too many others to list.
But don’t forget about herbs and spices, either.
Turmeric, saffron and cinnamon are believed to have a positive impact on your brain function, and can possibly even help you manage your ADHD symptoms (as part of a total wellness plan).
Medicinal foods are ultimately a time-tested option for improving your mental and physical well-being, and living a healthier life with ADHD.
5. Avoidance
One of the most common ways to treat ADHD is through avoidance.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a great option for treating ADHD. But, it is an extremely common method for managing ADHD, so it has to be mentioned.
Avoidance basically involves accepting that your ADHD is negatively affecting your life, and then refusing to do anything about it.
To treat ADHD in a way that actually benefits your life, you have to take persistent action. Your ADHD treatment doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t even have to cost money (you can do something as simple as meditation and still get great results).
But, in order to make the most of your ADHD, you do have to try something other than avoiding your problems.
6. Personal development (comprehensive)
Personal development is the method for treating ADHD that I know and love.
It’s the best way to treat ADHD, because it’s a culmination of all the mental and physical habits that one needs in order to thrive with ADHD.
To treat your ADHD using personal development, you may find that you need to…
- Take an appropriate ADHD medication
- Practice mental toughness
- Eat nutritious foods
- Get your body in shape
- Develop emotional control
- Do whatever it takes to treat your ADHD in a safe, healthy and effective manner
You can think of personal development as the all-encompassing solution for treating your ADHD symptoms.
7. Anxiety reduction
I’ve spent years battling ADHD symptoms – while believing that I needed more focus in my life.
I thought that if I could just find some deep concentration in my life, everything would be alright.
Well, that worked for a little while.
But, beneath the surface of ADHD, there are almost always problems related to anxiety that intertwine with your ADHD symptoms.
For some people (like myself) – attacking the source of your anxiety will significantly reduce your ADHD symptoms as well (effectively eliminating your inability to focus, restlessness, racing thoughts etc.).
Eating healthy food and getting a lot of exercise is a great first step in reducing anxiety. But, it often isn’t enough.
So, I also recommend using great, healthy supplements like:
Remember that while anxiety is not the same thing as ADHD, the two conditions frequently have a relationship with one another. You might find that you need to reduce your symptoms related to anxiety to get to the root of your ADHD, too.
Options for Treating ADHD Conclusion
ADHD is a serious condition that impacts millions of people around.
And, when there’s work, family and financial obligations to take care of, dealing with ADHD is usually the last thing that anybody wants to take care of.
But, ADHD is still a major obligation that you have to take control of – before ADHD takes control of you…
Thankfully, by using the treatment options listed in this article, you should be able to control most of your ADHD symptoms, and get back to living the life that you deserve.
Thank you ADHD Boss Editorial Team:
As a 55 year old guy with a recent diagnosis I am wading through mountains of websites and forums. The amount of info on ADD is encouraging. It is great to know that I am not alone. Other people go to their junk drawer for a pencil and come back with a sandwich and a new Ukulele tune too.
But the amount of information is daunting. Drugs or no drugs. Stimulants or no. Counseling for me, or a marriage counselor for my wife and I. Or both!!
I appreciate your clarity, style and I love the idea that you all are all over the country supporting one another’s health and well being.
Thanks. I have hit a low spot and am working my way up. Your page helped. It is bookmarked and I will be back
Thanks so much Douglas. I really appreciate your encouragement, and likewise, I wish you the best with managing your ADHD. Please feel free to keep in touch! I love hearing from smart, insightful readers like yourself.
I have ADHD. I am 60 years old. As a child, Ritalin changed my life. Everything was better. Reading was a whole new experience.
I take Adderall now. I have high blood pressure. Taking 3 meds for high blood pressure. Still off the chart high blood pressure! What can I do? I am worried about long term affects of high blood pressure.
Hi Kathy. Thanks for your comment. I’m not familiar with managing high blood pressure, but I’m sure that’s something your doctor would be more than happy to help you with. Have you discussed this issue with your doctor?
Pre-Conciousness has worked best for me. Just my two cents