Last updated: November 27th, 2019 Today’s article is a real treat, because I have something that can truly help you manage your ADHD. Especially if you’re someone who loves music, and you have trouble relaxing, focusing, studying or working. If this sounds like you, then you need to know the truth about about listening to binaural beats for ADHD.
Binaural Beats ADHD – What’s The Real Scoop?
I’m someone who needs to listen to electronic music, classical music or binaural beats in order to write articles like this one. So, I’ll tell you right now that there’s power in the type of music that you listen to.
And, when it comes to listening to music specifically for your ADHD, there’s something extremely special about binaural beats. Regardless of what the critics have to say.
When something works for me, I write about it so that you can get the inside scoop. Binaural beats genuinely work for me, and I’m confident that they’ll work for other people with ADHD too.
How Do Binaural Beats Work For ADHD?
Let’s refer to Wikipedia to get a glimpse of how binaural beats can benefit the ADHD brain:
A binaural beat is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than a 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear). For example, if a 530 Hz pure tone is presented to a subject’s right ear, while a 520 Hz pure tone is presented to the subject’s left ear, the listener will perceive the auditory illusion of a third tone, in addition to the two pure-tones presented to each ear. The third sound is called a binaural beat.
So let’s get this straight.
A binaural beat is actually a perceived illusion that’s created when you listen to two tones simultaneously. In other words, when your ADHD brain picks up on two tones that have different frequencies, a third ‘auditory illusion’ is created, which is a binaural beat.
That’s great and all…
But, what exactly does this do for you?
The Benefits of Listening to Binaural Beats for ADHD
To put it simply, binaural beats can make people with ADHD feel like they’ve entered an altered state of consciousness (perhaps just like using a natural ADHD remedy).
Depending on the type of beats that you listen to, you can use binaural beats to work for extensive periods of time, study, relax or meditate.
Referring back to our Wikipedia article shows the science behind how binaural beats actually benefit people with ADHD:
The findings of some contemporary research suggests that listening to rhythmic sounds, especially percussion, can induce the subjective experience of a non ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC), with correlating electroencephalogram (EEG) profiles comparable to those associated with some forms of meditation, while also increasing the susceptibility to hypnosis. Specifically, some investigations show that the electroencephalogram (EEG) readings attained while a subject is meditating are comparable to those taken while he or she is listening to binaural beats, characterized by increased activity in the Alpha and Theta bands.
So, research has shown that when people meditate, undergo hypnosis, or listen to binaural beats, EEG readings all indicate similar brain patterns.
If this research is solid (which I tend to believe based on personal experience), then listening to binaural beats could prove to be one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your state of consciousness while dealing with ADHD symptoms.
Most people with ADHD find the act of meditating to be difficult. But, listening to binaural beats?
That’s easy. And anyone can do it.
Where Do You Find Binaural Beats For ADHD?
Before you go searching for binaural beats, keep in mind that you need a high-quality pair of headphones to make binaural beats work.
Remember how your headphones have to be able to transmit two separate frequencies at the same time before binaural beats can be created?
That usually requires an expensive pair of headphones to make happen.
But don’t worry.
I have a good recommendation for a not-so-expensive pair of headphones that work amazingly well for listening to binaural beats.
You can find my binaural beats headphone recommendation a little bit further down in this article.
For now, let’s talk about the best binaural beats for ADHD.
There are all kinds of binaural beats scattered across YouTube. You can obviously listen to all of these free of charge.
Since I’m a workhorse, I usually listen to uplifting binaural beats so that I can focus better while doing my work. But, I love all kinds of beats. Here are some good binaural beats for you or your kids to listen to.
Binaural beats for focusing with ADHD:
A lot of people with ADHD like to use binaural beats that are in within the range of 20Hz for greater focus at work, school or home. The following binaural beat uses frequencies that are between 11.5Hz and 14Hz. So, you should definitely feel something ‘unique’ happen while you listen to this beat.
Binaural beats for meditating with ADHD:
Meditating is one of my all-time favorite activities for dealing with ADHD symptoms.
At the very least, this meditation binaural beat will help you clear your mind. At best, you’ll feel like you just came back from vacation (that’s what it feels like to me, at least).
Binaural beats for reducing fear and anxiety:
I like this binaural beat because it sounds a little bit grungy. But, it actually provides a great beat for ‘confronting’ your fears and anxiety, and flushing away your negative emotions.
There are plenty of other binaural beats on YouTube and the internet that you can listen to. You’ll just have to do a little bit of searching to find some other binaural beats that you enjoy. Everyone is different. So, you’ll probably have some unique preferences when it comes to the binaural beats that work best for your brain.
Remember that these binaural beats aren’t going to sound great on your laptop or smartphone speakers.
Binaural beats work because of the delicate frequencies that they transmit. So, it’s best if you use some high-quality headphones to listen to binaural beats.
If you don’t have high-quality headphones, that’s OK. Just check out the section below for an affordable headphone recommendation for listening to binaural beats.
The Best Headphones For Listening To Binaural Beats With ADHD
Most high-quality headphones sell for hundreds of dollars. However, I personally use a pair of Sennheiser headphones that’s affordable, and perfect for listening to binaural beats with ADHD.
The Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphones (Amazon) are budget-friendly, extremely high-quality and portable.
You and your child can use the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphones to listen to binaural beats:
- At home
- While traveling in the car
- During study sessions
- Any place where you need to calm your racing thoughts (like the doctor’s office or work)
These headphones can easily pump out the delicate tones (at separate frequencies) that are needed to help you or your child relax, focus, work, study, meditate or sleep. I imagine that the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Headphones (Amazon) would make for a great gift, as well as a cognitive performance enhancement tool for helping to treat ADHD symptoms. They’re ultimately a really powerful set of headphones that will help anyone improve their life with ADHD. Think of it as a long-term investment (these headphones last practically forever).
Binaural Beats ADHD Music Therapy Conclusion
If you aren’t yet listening to binaural beats to soothe your ADHD symptoms, I hope that you grab a pair of great headphones soon, and get to listening.
I’ve never felt something in my brain shift quite like when I listen to binaural beats. It happens every single time. It’s like meditation in audio format.
If you find any other useful binaural beats for ADHD symptoms, make sure to let me know in the comments section below.
Enjoyed the read!
With all due respect to the wonderfulness of Wikipedia (which I access regularly), and a BIG thank you for what you have written, I’m wondering if you can point me to professional literature references to substantiate the content of your article. I believe you, but as a mental health clinician (also with my own ADHD giftedness) searching for educational/informative material for clients on the value and use of binaural beats, I don’t want to give the impression that I got treatment rationale from Wikipedia (at least, not only Wikipedia 😉
Thank you very much!
Hey Elizabeth. Thank you for your comment. Your concern is definitely a valid one.
If you search PubMed for the term “Binaural Beats” – you can see that some interesting studies have been conducted.
Here’s one where the short-term effects of binaural beats were measured against EEG power, cognition, working memory, and more:
Here’s another PubMed article explaining the effect that binaural beats have on long-term memory:
And here are a couple more references:
I hope this helps you and your clients Elizabeth. I wish you the best going forward. Just let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi dear stefan .
Thank you for this amazing site and all of your services .
Recently i find out that i have ADHD , and i am 38 years old living in IRAN and my life really effected BADLY by ADHD but some people on internet act like it is a gift and they’re happy about it 🤤 (looking like that I missed a lot 😉) ,
Long story short, i am still learning about it, and one thing that i need to know for sure (between lots of things) ., THAT i am left handed so ” is my hemispheres are different than other people meaning that my left hemisphere is more active and i should leasen to binaural beat in oopposite way (meaning left ear in right , right ear in left) .
I really preciat if you help me.
Wow this is a very interesting question that I’ve never considered before Kamyar. Can you try listening to the binaural beats left ear in right, and right ear in left, and see if that works?
I’m very glad I came upon this article. My son and I have ADHD (the non-attentive one). I have been listening to Binural for over a year now since I was diagnosed. Before I knew I had it, I use to listen because it allowed me to drown out my co-workers and focus better. Now that I see there is some merit behind what I’ve been doing I am happy.
Anyway, I’ve been trying to find a way to encourage my son to not look at ADHD as a disadvantage but as a gift that allows us to be able to multi-task and be creative. He’s 14 so I don’t think I’m getting through to him.
Hopefully after reading this, he and my husband will have him to listen to binaural beats because meditation is not working for him.
That’s a beautiful perspective Ms. Inspiration, I can see how you got your nickname.
Over 9 months ago at the age of 67 I was diagnosed with adult ADHD according to the doctor I was referred to, the good news it was treatable with counseling and medication but when I tried other emerging treatments like Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation & Binaural Beats with Isochronic tones therapy he said we were done that when I decide to take the drugs he would treat and counsel me.
I had just came off a 5 week study using Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation to treat insomnia that will take 2 years to complete and due to the cost of that treatment and the 1500.00 cost of the device which was readily available by the physiologist doing the study I decided to treat my insomnia first before the effects of the Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation therapy had worn off with Binaural Beats with Isochronic tones nightly.
At first I noticed the results were enhanced since the treatments I had for 5 weeks had balanced the left and right hemispheres of my brain but as the weeks progressed it was not the same but I continued my 8 hours of Binaural Beats with Isochronic tones while I slept each and every night for the past 9 months.
Since most of my ADHD symptoms were now minimal I stopped listening to some of the other material for stress, anger, concentration as well as focus. My wife confronted me and I said I felt so good from my 8 hour sleep treatment that I just did it regularly with some use of the other areas during the day.
After doing more research it came to me why not take advantage of the 8 hours I am sleeping and combine a track that will addresses all those areas anyone with ADHD needs to include in their treatment.
I had numerous tracks to chose from and after several I mean several trials have formulated one that gets me to sleep while being focused on one of my main issues anger management while also being able to while I sleep to be synchronizing the left and right brain hemispheres.
It seams to me in spite of what the experts want you to believe if you use with a open mind Binaural Beats with Isochronic tones as a therapy listen to those beats and tones that don’t cause you head to hurt when you hear them.
I found all of what I need and would not go back to the way I was before I started using the beats and tones who would 4 hours a night sleep compared to 8 to 10 hours nightly now!
Every person is different keep and open mind and try those beats and tones until. you find the ones that seem to help.
I gained my life back more ways than I could ever imagine and will be posting my Treatment Journals
online I have a youtube account but not sure why the 2 videos I posted don’t seem to be public yet I have a link for them here :
If anyone would like to reach out to me please feel free to at
Awesome post Orion thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!
There is not any point to make a comment on your website it takes way too long for a comment to get posted I know because mine had been posted over a week ago! And to think I had admired your site for its information just to get Your comment is awaiting moderation? this site uses Akismet to reduce spam really sounds like crap to me in this day and age of instant responses transfer of information from person to person place to place you should be able to tell by yourself a honest comment has been posted without using the premise it’s being moderated for spam! Spam hell just plain selective comments get allowed to post. I am 67 and ADHD not stupid just mad that when I give you a heartfelt comment on how your site helped me it does not get posted no response no nothing just a cold (Your COMMENT IS AWAITING Moderation}
Hey Orion I appreciate your patience and understand your frustration. I’m back and approving comments. I just had to take a break for a bit. Thank you for your comments. They’ve been approved now.
No Point?
why comment you clearly don’t care to respond and definitely don’t post?
Hey Orion thanks for your feedback, I definitely value my readers. I blogged about ADHD for around 365 days straight in 2017 so needed to take a bit of a break. I love the ADHD community. Just had to explore some other interests for a while. Also, I feel as if I’ve covered most of the essentials on ADHD Boss right? Which other ADHD topics are you interested in reading about?